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No, by no means is monster bad for you. Let's clear the air of any rumors right now. Monster isn't bad for you, believe it or not monster is better for you than most beverages out there(excluding juice, tea, and water.) Monster has less sugar than most sodas and it also has B-vitamins (they relieve stress). The only thing monster has is herbal stimulants, which are good for you unless you have a bad heart. Just follow the guidlines on the back of each can and they can actually be GOOD for you.

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14y ago
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12y ago

monster* has recently designed and produced many new drinks like the monster rehab (green tea, original, ect) that have only 20 calories per can (10 per serving for 2 servings) but they cant do anything about if you are pregnant besides tell you not to drink them and your out of luck if you are sensitive to them besides the fact that the new rehab monsters also aren't carbonated so you can just sip them without a bad taste.

so if you drink those there's no problem as long as your not sensitive or any thing like that

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12y ago

No actually kids 12 and up can drink it but only one a day they can be bad for you if you drink more but it's ok if you only drink one.

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Is drinking a monster twice a week bad for you?

No it is not only if you have some sort of diseas that will be affected by all the caffine in the monster.

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nope I drink it every week

Are monster energy drinks bad for children?

Monster drinks aren't bad for children but the limit is only one can per day at the most. It even says not recommended for children on the back of the can, the age limit of a child is 10 years old, so after 10 they can have the monster limit of 3 cans per day, to be on the safe side just drink 1 each week or month

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no, but try redbull and monster together.

Can a eight year old drink and monster energy?

No, that's bad for eight year olds. Don't drink it.

What do you do when you drink bad milk?

you may be sick with diarrhoea or have gastro symptoms for only about a week , depends how bad it is.

Is monster drinks safe to drink?

Yes, It is safe to drink monster, 8 year olds can!

Is monster energy frinks bad for you?

No, monster isn't bad for you. If you follow the guidelines on the back of a monster can and only drink 3 or less per day they are actually GOOD for you. They have less sugar than soda and have many B-vitamins and herbal stimulants. (b-vitamins relieve stress)

Is monster energy drink bad for kids?

Only if you throw it at them. Or want them to sleep, ever.