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Q: Is it bad if your ear bleeds because of a spot?
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Is it bad if your pearced ear is bleeding?

if you just got it pierced it will do that. but if you have it it peirced for a while, and it still bleeds, then yes it is bad.

Why does ear wax taste bad?

It tastes bad because it is not meant to be eaten. It is meant to lubricate the ear.

What if your ear bleeds after cleaning?

My daughter cleaned her husband's ears with a Q-tip and now his ear is bleeding. What could this be?

What is meaning of black spot on ear according to astrology?

A black spot on an ear can't be interpreted by using astrology.

When you have a beauty spot on your ear does it mean that you are smart?

Doesn't mean much either way. The only thing having a beauty spot tells you is that you have a beauty spot on the ear.

What does it mean when your ear bleeds?

It means get yourself to a medical professional

Is there a certain spot you pierce your cartilage at?

Well it depends if you have a spot that hurts you in your ear, You should get it anywhere you want but me i would get mine either on top of my ear or on top more than on my ear lobe but kind of in the middle of your ear.

What happen when a cat cuts your dogs ear?

It bleeds a lot and you need to put peroxide on it and put some,"New Skin" on it.

Is it bad to stick your elbow in your ear?

Assuming you can get your elbow to your ear and then inside it, yes, it would be bad for.

Sore ear blocked nose nose bleeds red throat hard to swallow lump in front of ear pain in top teeth sweating nausea?

sounds like strep throat...should see a doctor fast before it gets worse..even bronchittis...phnemonia sorry im a bad

Why is it bad to insert a cotton swab into your ears?

Because you are pushing the ear wax further into your ear. Plus the ear cleans itself. By taking a little bit of ear wax out of your ear each day. If the ear wax does not come out then you should to the DOCTOR so that they can take a look at it and have them clean it out for you.

Why is the ear spot squirrel endangered?

Because man is cutting down the trees that they live in then they have no where to live and there food supply goes down them the go