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Yes, the cage should be kept clean and "worm free."

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Cali Duenas

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βˆ™ 1y ago

Yep they are maggots, it happened to me one time..disgusting πŸ’€ just make sure you clean your Guinea Pigβ€˜a cage enough and it won’t happen!

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Q: Is it bad if your guinea pigs cage has worms?
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Your guinea pig runs away from you inside his cage is that a bad thing?

No, guinea pigs are complex animals. They will run away, that's just what they do.

Do I need bedding in my guinea pigs cage?

Yes use pine bedding NOT sawdust it is very bad for there lungs if you need any advice on guinea pigs contact a guinea pig rescue not a pet store

Why is a dirty cage bad for a guinea pig?

guinea pigs are just allot of time and money for what they are. they are not considered bad but I recommend a dog, cat pig or turtle! also a great pet is a pet rock (be sure to try it!) guinea pigs are not that bad but remember rock you don't have to pay for or feed so try it!!!!

Would a dirt cage kill guinea pigs?

if it gets REALLY REALLY bad possibly. if the cage is pretty dirty,it could make the guinea pig sick or it isn't good for him/her. Most likely it wont kill the guinea pig.

Are guinea pigs bad luck?

NO guinea pigs are NOT bad luck. Guinea pigs are actually very lucky animals, a lot of people have tried them. Try it your self, buy one today!

Can you make a guinea a pig cage out of legos?

I guess you could. However guinea pigs need lots of space to run, so you would need a TON of legos. Also make sure the guinea pig can't jump over the walls, that they can't be knocked down, and if they chew on them to much, you will need to get a new cage as this is bad. Try looking on or for more info about guinea pigs.

Are guinea pigs bad pets?

Not at all.

Can guinea pigs chips?

No you should not feed guinea pigs chips it would be very bad for them. try cucumber they love it :)

Is it bad for guinea pigs to be close to a cat?

Well... this is a tough question because it really depends on the cat and guinea pigs personality. Personally I keep my cat as far away from my guinea pigs as possible because I don't trust my cat. If there is no way your cat could get into their cage or stick its paw in the side it would be okay.... But no I don't think that I would put your cat near them. I know of some people that have cats and guinea pigs which are best friends but No you shouldn't.

How do you breed your guinea pigs?

just put a girl and boy guinea pig together in a cage alone and wait tell the female gets very big and has them then take the boy out asap

Can you feed your guinea pig dates?

No, dates are bad for the guinea pigs digestive system.

Is lettuce bad for guinea pigs?

Iceberg Lettuce.