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Why work out and then put junk food into your body? You're defeating the whole purpose of the workout that way.

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Q: Is it bad to eat a strawberry shortcake after a workout?
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Look Sweet in a Strawberry Shortcake Costume?

The 1980s are very popular right now as a retro resurgence is making all thing from that decade hip once more. One character resurrected from those days is Strawberry Shortcake, who started out on greeting cards and eventually went on to star in books, movies and television specials and have an extensive line of toys in her image. While Strawberry Shortcake is an inherently summery character, that doesn't stop her from being an appropriate choice for Halloween. After all, Strawberry Shortcake is all about tasty treats, and so is Halloween. As an established character, Strawberry Shortcake is likely to turn up in Halloween stores, but if you want to try making a costume yourself, the first thing to do is think pink. Whether you're going to make an outfit from scratch or adapt pre-existing clothing to the character, you'll want to have plenty of pink fabric. Because Strawberry is a rather feminine character, just getting a pink sweatsuit probably is not going to cut it. However, a pink jumper should do the trick, especially if you can find a cute pink hat with a squashy look to it that will complement the dress. From that point, you just need to find ways of accessorizing. You and your little girl can have fun making strawberry-themed jewelry using papier-mache or cardboard. Perhaps you could cut pictures of strawberries out of magazines and mount them on hard paper, then tape them to the dress. There are lots of ways to get creative with this. Moreover, if you can decorate your treat bag with strawberries, that will make an impression on those passing out candy and will likely elicit a smile and maybe even an extra treat. If you have several children who are Strawberry Shortcake fans, you might consider having them all dress up as characters from that rainbow-colored world. They would look very cute roaming the streets together in semi-coordinated costumes. Alone or in conjunction with others, though, Strawberry is an appealing sight, and the inherent sweetness of this character makes her a child worth emulating. October may be a little late in the year to eat strawberry shortcake, but not to wear it.

Do leopard geckos eat a strawberry?

no they can not eat tomato.

What does strawberry poison dart frog eat?

Strawberry poison dart frogs eat ants, beetles, centipedes, and mites.

Can hamsters eat a strawberry?

Yes, hamsters can eat strawberry's, but i recommend that you don't give them to your hamster very often. Use them as a treat.

Why do you get ill when you eat a rotten strawberry?

Because as the strawberry is breaking down and rotting it grows bacteria

How do you eat a great strawberry?

You dip it in sugar.

What about strawberry's?

They are about love,sweetness,and sharing. And you can eat them.

Can Muslims eat strawberry preserves?

Yes, they can.

How do you get flabby?

When you get flabby is when you eat just to eat, not for hunger.