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moving da cage of parrots make them feel uncomfortable...n so there is chance tht they may not its better to fix da cage with da wall..

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Q: Is it bad to move a budgie cage a lot?
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How do you train your budgies?

I will explian in steps:Step 1: If you've just got it, strictly no hands in the cage for the first 24 hours. This is vital because he/she needs to get used to their surroundings. Personally I started by slowly putting my hand to the side of the cage. I repeated this 3 times a day for 10 mins each time.Step 2: After a couple of days of doing this, you will notice him/her starting to trust you (Don't get too excited) now slowly put your hand in cage. Note: Never open up your fingers whilst doing this, that will show that your big, hence scary to the tiny budgie. The budgie will run/fly away from your hand, that is okay. Just keep doing this for 10 mins and show the budgie that you are no threat.Step 3: After about a week of doing this, budgie should let you go near it. Again, 'SLOWLY' move your hand closer to your budgie. If he/she go's crazy, repeat step 2. He/she should let you touch him/her. If this is so then calmly touch his/her belly. Keep doing this until you can tell that your budgie finds you as No Threat to them.Step 4: Now at this point you should starting to get him/her to step onto your finger. Do this by carefully pressing your finger onto your budgies belly and saying 'UP' in a deep, calm manor. Repeat this a few times to get him/her to step onto your finger on command. Enjoy raising your budgies. :DImportant Notes: Never, Ever yell at your budgie. This will lose all trust he/she had for you.Never hit your budgie. For obvious reason.Try not to hit his/her cage, as this will frighten them.

What do you do when your budgie is unwell?

Take it to the vet immediately. Pet birds generally do not show signs of illness until they are very sick. This is to avoid becoming prey to another animal. If you see your budgie spending more time on the bottom of the cage, notice he/she is less active, or find that he/she is "fluffed up" a lot it (They do this generally when they are sleeping, but a healthy budgie will usually tuck his head behind his wing), is time for a trip to your local board certified avian veterinarian.

Why is my budgie so stressed out I have had her for a year or so?

Maybe he/she is lonely, get her a friend, if there is a lot of noise in your house quieten things down and you should notice a difference. Is she in a small cage? if so buy her a bigger one. If none of these suggestions help consult a vet.

When can your budgie go outside?

When its tame. You can tame it by holding it a lot, keeping it in your hands or letting it sit on your shoulders. if your take your budgie out clip its wings because it would probably fly away. Hope this helps. My budgie loves sitting on peoples shoulders especially mine.

Can dwarf hamsters go on four hour long car trips?

I guess as long as you do not move the cage a lot and let it sleep and have a hiding place too.

Do blue budgies play more than green ones?

No. A color of a budgie has nothing to do with the way they play but if you had a boy and a girl budgie, the boy would be more easier to teach and more playful as the female budgie tends to bite a lot harder than the male budgie I have over 20 budgies and I got to say the male budgie gets along with each better than the female budgies who will fight for space Ihope this answers your Question.

Why does your budgie feed you?

Pet budgies kept in a cage will not eat much if the cage is small, and they are not expending any energy. Keep your budgie happy: talk to it, interact with it, and give it toys to play with. Budgies like other budgies - real or fake! - ladders and toys that make a bit of noise, such as bells. When you give your budgie something to do, it will be much happier, use more energy and even eat a little more.

Why causes a parakeets beak to grow long?

Lack of proper nutrition, no chew toys and wood chewing activities in the cage. It's extremely important to make sure your budgie has the proper diet and that he/she is given toys that she/he can chew on. You can find them at your neighborhood pet store or on an online pet stores. A lot of these toys you can hide treats inside of them, therefore the budgie has to chew to get through to it. If not properly taken care of, your budgie could develop liver disease with an overgrown beak. It's her/his essential part of living so be sure to keep the beak in tiptop shape so he/she is happy and healthy!

How do you tame your mature budgie?

It takes a lot of time and patience to tame a mature budgie that has not been brought up to be handled constantly. It will never be as tame as a hand-reared one. You can try holding it several times a day, catching it (which can of course be quite stressful for the bird) but enclosing it firmly and securely in your hand and gently stroking it for a long period of time each day. This is really the only way, but a lot of damage can be done in the catching. Try to reach into the cage and quickly close your hand over the bird so it doesn't associate your hand with stress.

If there has been a cockatiel in a family for a couple years can a new budgie be added without a huge problem?

The cockateil may actually enjoy the company! Go slowly, don't be in a rush. Isolate the new bird for a few weeks to be sure that it is healthy. Put the cages side-by-side to watch the reaction for a few days. You can let one out of the cage at a time first. See how they react to one another to be safe. A lot will depend on your birds. Is the teil bonded with you? Is he out of the cage a lot? Is the keet tamed? I think it will go well, but let them guide you.

Can i bring my budgie to America?

It's within the realm of possibility, but you have to plan for it WAY in advance and jump through a lot of hoops.

How can you teach your budgie to talk?

budgies are catterers. so if you are repeatedly saying a word for them to mimic,you're doing the right thing. but if you don't hear them saying any words, it's probably beacause you're talking too fast. you see, if you talk at your regular pace, the budgie will mimic it so fast that you don't even notice it. try talking slower. so when the budgie repeats it, it will be slow enough so that you can hear it. but don't think this will happen in one day. it takes a few weeks or so for the budgie to mimic you. if you have a budgie, it's a lot easier to train a male to talk. their vioces are a lot more smoother and understandable than femals.