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I would say based on credit rating that getting behind on a mortgage would be worse than being late on a few other bills. A lot depends on what the other bills are, but if you can try and pay the mortgage first.

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Q: Is it better to be 60 days late on a mortgage or 30 days late on many bills?
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Is it better to file bankruptsy or be late on bills?

It is less detrimental to your credit score to be late on paying your bills (more than 30 days late) than it is to file bankruptcy.

If a mortgage payment is 20 days late will that be reported to the credit bureaus?

Generally, late payments over 30 days late are reported to a credit reporting agency. After that, late mortgage payments can become "missed" mortgage payments. And missed payments can affect your credit score in a negative way. However, your exact late payment will depend on how your specific mortgage lender reports payments to the credit bureaus.

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1x30 =1 times 30 days late 2x30 =2 times 30 days late 1x60 =1 times 60 days late and so on...

When do mortgage companies consider a payment late?

pa Late fee's accrue after 5-10 days... however, it is reported to the credit bureau if it is 30 days late. It depends upon the terms of the mortgage, many lenders allow a grace period before assessing delinquent penalties.

You paid your mortgage on 27 th of the month will it reflect on your credit report?

A mortgage will first reflect as a late payment on your report once it is 30 days late -- at the Lender's discretion. Call the Lender to see that the mortgage was posted in time. Even if it was only a day or so late, and you have a good history with them, they may choose to not report this payment as late. If it was a day late, and you don't ask, they will report it.

What do you do if you have to pay your mortgage late?

A few days should be fine and many mortgage companies provide a grace period if someone needs a few extra days. Calling them will help and show your good intentions.

How far behind on mortgage payments before foreclosure starts?

90 days This is not true. we were only 30 days late and our home was foreclosed on.

Is it true that as long as you make your mortgage payment in the same calendar month the mortgage lender cannot report you as being late onyour mortgage payment correct?

This would only be true if you have it specified in your loan agreement. Otherwise, as a general rule, anything paid after 10 days past the due date is considered late and incurs a late fee as well as being reported to the credit bureau(s) as less than 30 days late

What is a delinquent mortgage versus a late mortgage?

I believe there is no difference. Anyone who has not paid their mortgage payment on time is "late" or delinquent.

If you paid your mortgage 20 days late and were charged a late fee will this be reported to the credit bureaus?

That's at the discretion of the lender, and/or terms of the loan. If the mortgagee has a good payment history many lenders will not report a single late payment. It is possible that your mortgage company reported your loan as "past due", but not likely. This is one column/heading in a typical credit report. The rating of I1 or M1 would not change, nor would the delinquency be reported in the counters until your mortgage was 30 or more days late. The ordinary procedure is for mortgage companies to report only 30+ delinquencies. According to each individual contract, they may charge late fees if you pay 5,15 or 20 days late, but this generally is not reported against you. To be sure, it would be best to obtain copies of your credit report from all three reporting agencies. Address any late payment showing NOW and see if your mortgage company will remove that late as an act of goodwill.

Can you refinance with a late mortgage?

You can refinance with a late mortgage. Talk to your agent on the different loans available and the best one you qualify for.

How many credit point list for 30 day late on mortgage?

A recent late payment of over 30 days may hurt your credit score up to 60 points.