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It depends. Obviously the more you have in the kernel the less you will have for resident memory. This may improve performance if these modules are in use, or it might just take up memory if they are not active.

With dynamic loadable modules the idea was to install the module in the resident kernel if it were required at run time rather than compiling them into the kernel. This way an admin can load and unload the modules at will, assuming they know when the modules will be in use.

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Q: Is it better to keep as many support modules in the kernel as possible?
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What are the advantages of using loadable kernel modules?

Without loadable kernel modules, an operating system would have to include all possible anticipated functionality already compiled directly into the base kernel. Much of that functionality would reside in memory without being used, wasting memory, and would require that users rebuild and reboot the base kernel every time they require new functionality. Most operating systems supporting loadable kernel modules will include modules to support most desired functionality.(wikipedia)

How do you convert a C program into a Linux kernel module?

Quick Answer: You don't. Long Answer: It will need a fundamental change before you can have a module that does anything similar. Kernel modules don't have the same purpose as programs. Kernel Modules are meant for device support and similar things. More than likely you don't actually want to move the program to kernel space.

What are benefits of adopting kernel modules in the modern Linux kernel?

Efficiency. Thanks to modules, the kernel doesn't have to have every last driver loaded and running, nor does the user have to recompile the kernel every time they need to load or unload or update a driver. Before the Linux kernel adopted modules, one had to recompile and reconfigure the kernel any time they wanted to change drivers. Today it's as simple as unloading and reloading modules. Some people, however, like to disable modules and build everything into their kernel when they create a custom Linux kernel. This is done largely because when someone makes a custom kernel there is no question what drivers and pieces of the kernel will be needed, and modules would be unneeded.

What type of kernel does Ubuntu use?

Ubuntu uses the Linux kernel, which is a monolithic kernel with loadable modules.

What are the primary goals of the conflict reduction mechanism used by the Linux kernel for loading kernel modules?


Difference between monolithic and microlithic kernel?

Main classification of kernel: Monolithic & microlithic Monolithic kernel is a large program ,which contains different modules and they can interact each other . New modules can be dynamically linked or inserted in it.Ie at run time, and we do not want to reboot the system. Microlithic kernel contains different modules .They may be linked together .These modules can communicate with those modules ,which are linked with it.We can only statically insert a new module in it.And when inserting a new module ,we have to link it with other modules to whom with which it has to communicate. Retheesh Soman & Saneeth P R Vadakara,Calicut Ph:9947874780

What command can you use to change the current working directory to the directory where the modules for the running kernel are stored?

cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)

What are modules in Linux?

Modules are pieces of binary data that can be loaded into the Linux kernel at run time. These are typically drivers for devices or file systems.

What is loading of modules dynamically in monolithic kernel?

The loading of modules dynamically in monolithic kernel is done at the binary level as opposed to the architectural level. Dynamically loading modules is a more flexible way of handling the operating system image at runtime - as opposed to rebooting with a different operating system image.

When was Dynamic Kernel Module Support created?

Dynamic Kernel Module Support was created in 2003.

What is a .ko file in Linux?

The .ko extension is placed on kernel modules (loadable drivers) in Linux. Further, '.ko' extension is called 'kernel Object', and is implemented from kernel 2.6 onwards, this is perhaps the biggest change as far as loadable kernel modules are concerend. For example, the serial device driver that in Linux 2.4 lived in the file 'serial.o' in Linux 2.6 lives in the file 'serial.ko' .

What is the library name in which the semaphore.h header file is present in Linux?

semaphore.h is in the kernel source. If you're looking for it for your particular distribution (such as for compiling modules), look in the kernel source package or install the kernel headers.