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whichever your most comfortable having - But two males are more likely to fight than two females, unless they have been brought up together! :D

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12y ago

The male and female have to be spayed and nuterded to live together,but it is better to have two males.

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Q: Is it better to keep two male guinea pigs together or a male and a female?
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Why do female guinea pigs chase male guinea pigs?

Well sometimes yes sometimes no, I have two Guinea Pig Female: Sofie and male: Darwin. I always check their behavior and my opinion: It's better to keep them separated. The female will always chase the male.

Do the parents of guinea pigs stay all together?

Guinea Pigs are like any other animal, if you put a male and female together they will create little guinea pigs. If you want to keep the father in the cage, pay attention to the mother, she will let you know if she wants her space or if she wants him close.

What is a better pet male or female guinea pig?

i personally think that if you are a female than a female guinea pig will bond with you better and if you are a male than a male guinea will bond easier i keep both males and females .. guinea pigs are great pets

Can you keep a 4 month guinea pig with a 15 day female guinea pig?

i recomend that you don't

How do you make a pregnant guinea pig?

Keep them with a male guinea pig. Be careful because sometime the male with harrass the female.

Can you keep chincillas and guinea pigs?

Yes, but not together. Chinchillas require very different environments to guinea pigs.

Is it better to keep your guinea pigs in the same room as you?

As long as you keep the cage clean then, "Yes." Use Aspen chips. You should especially keep it in your room if you only have one, as they are social creatures. If you get two get a male and female, with the male fixed.

How long should a female guinea pig be keep alway from a male guinea pig after she gives birth?

Keep the male in a spare cage if you have one and if you sell the babies they could be put back together but after two times of giving birth leave them in their cages for like 12 months I guess. This prevents the female from going through so much pain when giving birth

Can you keep 2 male guinea pigs together?

Yes as long as they are litter mates or if they are adopted bonded pigs. Askyour local petstore( if buying) if they are brothers or ask your local adotion center ( if adopting) if they have been bonded!

Is it good to have 2 guinea pigs?

it is good to have 2 guinea pigs because the first guinea pig can get lonely during the day if no one is around. If you have had one female guinea pig for about a week or two and have seen that she is getting lonely, you can put another female guinea pig right in the cage. If you have had a boy guinea pig for about a week and want to get him a friend, unless you want to have babies, get another boy guinea pig but keep them in separate cages unless you are monitoring them because boys will fight. If you want to have babies and you have one guinea pig, don't put them in together right on the spot because the boy guinea pig may get very aggressive with the girl to a very dangerous and tragic point. Keep their cages close together and once a week, hold them both in your lap (together) and pet them with the same perfume. If you do this, they will see that they have something in common. After about a month, put them together. if they look like they are in a dangerous situation, separate them again and do the same thing for another month.

Is it good to keep two guinea pigs together?

They can play with each other and sleep next to each other for warmth. Now if it was a male and female hamster there might be babies being made.

How do you breed your guinea pigs?

just put a girl and boy guinea pig together in a cage alone and wait tell the female gets very big and has them then take the boy out asap