

Is it better to stay friends or date?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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I Think You Should Stay Friends Because If He/She Says No Then, Your Friendship Would Be Ruined With Him/Her Knowing You Like Them. So Stay Friends, Unless You Know That They Like You Back! :)

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12y ago
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Q: Is it better to stay friends or date?
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He doesn't like you more than friends. But maybe you guys would just be better as friends.

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Well depends .. Is the relationship between you and your gf/bf really akward? If it is , a double date might be better than taking your friends. After one date , you wont be as akward anymore then you probs wont need friends to go with you guys after that.

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stay friends because if you date and break up odds are you wont be friends anymore because it would be very awkward seeing eachother...i know

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Try being friends with any boys that are already friends with her and then you'll know her better (worked for me) This answer is insufficient the legitimate way to befriend a girl is to make friends with her friends, and then get to know her better. If you guys have an amorous relationship then you could ask her out on a date and she probably will acquiesce

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if you cant pursue a dating relationship with her, then i suggest just staying good friends until the time that you can date, because the best relationships come from good friendships. If you can never date this person, then just try to stay friends.

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Yes,but as long as your ready to tell him

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It means that she wants her friends opinion on you. That way, she can have a better idea if she wants that third date w/ you!