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No, that is Photosynthesis. Cellular respiration is when organisms obtain energy from organic molecules and energy is released and carbon dioxide produced.

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Q: Is it cellular respiration when the sun gets converted to food?
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The energy in food molecules such as glucose is converted into what?

Its been degraded to two molecules of pyruvate.

Energy from glucose is released in the process of?

Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through the process of cellular respiration.

What happens to food during cellular respiration?

Oxygen is used by most organisms in respiration to break down food into energy that all the cells that need it can useThe act of respiration has nothing to do with the food. Respiration carries out the gaseous exchange in the lungs. The food gets digested in the stomach and gets propelled into the small bowel for further digestion and absorption and the waste then reaches the large bowel for absorption of water and the formed stools are passed out on defecation.

Which one of the reactant for cellular respiration gets oxidized and which one gets reduced?

During cellular respiration, oxygen is reduced.Oxidation number changes from 0 to -2. Oxygen ends up in water

What is the system that takes in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide?

cellular respiration!

Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through what process of?

Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through the process of Cellular Respiration.The process by which ATP is manufactured from glucose is called cellular respiration.

What happens to H2O in cellular respiration?

Nothing really! it gets breathed out of your body and then joins the clouds.

How is mitochondria the powerhouse of an animal cell?

It performs cellular respiration and produces energy and gets rid of waste.

What is the affect of temperature on cellular respiration?

Usually, the higher the temperature the faster enzymes react and the quicker a reaction moves forward, however, if the temperature gets too hot, it can denature the proteins involved in the reaction.

Why must the rate of respiration be added into the equation to ultimately determine the Rate of Photosynthesis?

Plants produce food to run their cellular activities, so they burn the food they produce while some of it gets stored. Therefore, the rate of respiration must be taken in account in order to see the complete rate of photosynthesis.

What are three similarities and three differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

the similarities between cellular respiration and photosynthesis is that they both follow the same basic pattern.The only differences are that photosynthesis gets the energy from sunlight, consumes carbondioxide, and produces oxygen, while cellular respiration consumes oxygen and water, and produces carbon dioxide and water.

How does life depend on cellular respiration?

Your life depends on cellular respiration because we need that to help us breath an to stay a live