

Best Answer obgyn told me prior to my procedure that my period would become heavier. 17 years later I am having extremely heavy periods to the point of causing anemia.

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Q: Is it common for your period to become heavier after a tubal fulguration and why?
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Actually if you exercise more the heavier it is. Because I was at volleyball camp and on my period it made it heavier. 2.14.11 Exactly! Even though it made your period heavier, more blood left your body and ultimatley shortened your period.

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How heavy is your period while on the pill?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Most people will become a lot lighter once they stary the pill and it will only last a few days but this will not be the case for everyone. Some people can even become heavier once they start the pill.

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Period blood can be light in color in the first couple days of your period, but it can also be very dark in color on heavier days.

If you become pregnant while on your period does the bleeding stop?

Having sex during your period will make the bleeding appear a lot lighter or stop completely. It's nearly impossible to conceive while on your period because there simply isn't an egg in your ovaries...or in the correct position to be fertilized. Your period doesn't always become lighter or just stop after sex during your period. Mine tend to become heavier and a lot more. There is also a chance of getting pregnant while on a period, but it all comes down to your menstrual cycle. Meaning your period and ovulation time can overlap making it likely that you can become pregnant while on. There is a small possibility of your period stopping if your overlap (period and ovulation) is at the start of a period. Because sperm can live up to 3-5 days the egg can be fertilized near the beginning which could cause the egg to not be released.

What does a miscarriage look like in the first month?

Pretty much like a heavier period.

Can having a cold make your period last longer and heavier?

Yes it can last longer