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Q: Is it compulsory to write The Internet instead of Internet?
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Reading with stick is not compulsory in Islam ,but if some one uses stick to read instead of fingers its allowed

What are the compulsory subjects needed to be an author(writer)?

There are no compulsory subjects - to be a writer, you just need to write!You do need a good understanding of the language, so take enough classes so you know HOW to write well. Other than that, you don't need a special degree to be an author.

I can't connect the internet?

How are you connecting to the internet to write this then?

What is a compulsory and non compulsory?

Something is compulsory if you have to do it, if you are forced to do it. If you have a choice, it's non-compulsory.

Why Internet exploiter instead of Internet explorer?

some problem in sites

Why do some people fail to write clear and concise messages?

They write to impress instead of express. They write to express and impress.

How do you write an application of bank account opening?

There is no need to write a letter in order to open a bank account. A form will need to be filled in instead. An application can be made in a branch, over the telephone (when the advisor will complete the form) or over the internet.

Is mht cet compulsory?

no.....u can instead go for diploma..or go for IIT , AIEEE , etc. type exams.(not sure about diploma)

How can write in Germany in Internet?

you just write in German ( the language)

What is a prefix for compulsory?

The prefix for compulsory is "in-".

Is it compulsory to balance equations?

Yes. You must account for every atom you put into the reaction.

Is school compulsory in Uganda?

no it is not compulsory but there are schools there......................