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No it should not be considered cheating.

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Q: Is it considered cheating if your spouse chats with other woman on a chat line on his cell phone?
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Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?

It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them

Will it be considered cheating if your spouse entertains other interested party either in chat rooms emails or talking personally or by phone?

Yes, that is considered a form of cheating. I wouldn't my spouse interacting with anyone interested in them online! He should be spending that time with me not talking to them!

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

Is a husband considered cheating if he tells a female coworker something about you that you didn't want anyone to know?

That would depend on how you define cheating. Most people define it as meaning having a sexual relationship with a person other than the spouse. Talking to people is not generally considered cheating, nor is an indiscreet revelation.

What do you do when cheating on someone?

You should NOT being cheating on anyone. The above is correct. Stop now. Either with the "other" or the "spouse".

How sorry is your cheating spouse after the affair?

* As to how sorry the cheating spouse is depends on the individual who cheated. Some men make a mistake once and feel guilty and heartbroken when they realize how they have hurt their spouse or children; other men feel no remorse for cheating and are just sorry they got caught.

What do you do with your finances when your spouse is cheating?

Ask them if this is really what they want. You or other person.. Be truthfully to you and yourself..

Is it cheating if you are legally married?

ANSWER: I don't understand your question about cheating, so I will guess and bare with me here. If you are married and having affair with the other person who is not your spouse, yes we call it cheating and in the eyes of God, it is adultery.

Is that cheating if a girl kiss you that has a boyfriend?

It is cheating; if you are involved in a relationship and you show *unnecessary affection, such as flirting, kissing, or sensual or suggestive touching, or becoming involved sexually with another person other than your partner or spouse is considered cheating, no matter what form it comes in. However, the 'rules' of cheating vary from person to person; for example, some people believe it isn't cheating if you are flirting over the internet, while others believe that groping or touching those other than their partner is fine.*By this, I mean that the affections are not casual or friendly; hugs and friendly pecks (generally kisses on the cheeks) are fine, while any other gesture that suggests a sexual/emotional bond towards a person other than a spouse or partner.

Is there a way to track a cheating spouse by phone?

ANSWER:Love the only way you can track your spouse through his cell phone is to spend money and get that GPS that can be detected wherever your spouse go. But other than that you will have a problem tracking him or her.

Do spouse admit of cheating easily?

ANSWER: In my own opinion it depends on how deep the spouse is with the other person. But I do know most of men who do the cheating will try not to tell the truth so it will not put them in a deep trouble with his wife and children. And this include the man that I trusted and now divorce him.

Why do the ugly images of spouse adultery refuse to go away?

When a spouse gives their other spouse all their love; trust and loyalty they always feel their spouse will do the same so when the spouse has an affair it comes as a shock to the other spouse. It is heartbreaking; that treasured bond of trust you once had in your spouse has gone and not easily earned back. It is normal to envision your cheating spouse being with someone else and enjoying themselves and it makes you question yourself as far as 'did I do something wrong; perhaps not enough and I let my partner down'; 'is our sexual relationship not good enough and did I do anything wrong; to 'does my cheating spouse think I am not attractive enough' or in some cases 'have I lost my looks and I'm too old and they don't want me anymore.' This makes the victim of a cheating spouse feel insecure and eventually they become angry and resentful and find it difficult to forgive their spouse for the cheating; the victim cannot feel sympathy for their spouse; the victim has a deep seated urge to pay back their cheating spouse for all the hurt he/she caused them and this in turn involves a poor sexual relationship because the victim feels when their cheating spouse is making love they are still thinking of the other person they cheated with. Marriage counseling can help, but it is entirely up to you (you hold the power) to either move on from the marriage or see a marriage counselor to learn the tools to deal with any problems in your marriage, but it takes the both of you to make it work. As far as your trust in your spouse it will take time and it is entirely up to them to earn that trust again.