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Yes, anytime you put such an emotional burden i.e. blaming another person for your choice to commit such an act i.e. (suicide) you are affecting their psychological arena, if you were to follow through with such a "selfish" act, the person may blame themselves for the rest of their lives, become depressed, and not be able to function normally, why would anyone want to put that on someone, especially someone they may love very much.

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Q: Is it considered emotional abuse when you tell someone you're going to commit suicide and it's their fault?
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It is against the law to attempt or aid someone commiting suicide

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Assisted suicide means that someone is helping someone commit suicide. Therefore it's any of the usual ways to commit suicide, just with someone helping.

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They only commit suicide once in a lifetime. Thats all they get.

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The urge to commit suicide is a symptom of a mental or emotional disorder, so it is reasonable to say that 100% of children who commit suicide have a disorder or very serious depression (which is a disorder.)

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No, it is not.

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Suicide can be committed at any age. Do notice that teenagers and seniors are most likely to commit suicide, and below a certain age death is often not considered an option. Suicide is away from any laws or regulations. There is no minimum required age. In spite of this suicide is most common amongst teenagers as they often go through an emotional phase of their lives. Its one law in life.

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It might be considered that by the multiples.

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Suicide is possible anywhere. A location does not dictate if someone commits suicide, but it can make suicide harder to achieve.

Can suicide pass through your kids?

If you mean can they inherit the tendency to commit suicide, no. But they can have emotional problems that are a result of the family matrix, drug abuse, or other problems that may lead to suicide.