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Not if you give permission.

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Q: Is it considered plagiarism if you give credit to the editor?
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What is paraphrasing plagiarism?

Paraphrasing is considered plagiarism if it is not cited and you take credit for the work/idea. If you cite the information and give credit to the author, then no, paraphrsing is not plagiarism.

Is rewording another person thoughts considered plagiarism?

Yes, that is just paraphraseing anothers work. So, as long as you give a citation to the work you are not committing plagiarism. Always give the author credit!

Failure to give credit to a source is known as what?

Failure to give credit to a source is known as plagiarism, which is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic and ethical offense.

What will make you a plagiarist?

Copying someone else's work or ideas without proper citation or attribution is considered plagiarism. It is important to give credit to the original author or source to avoid plagiarism.

Is it plagiarism to read several articles and then write a paper with out citing the source?

Yes, not citing the sources of information that you used in your paper is considered plagiarism. It is important to properly credit the original authors to avoid plagiarism and give them the recognition they deserve for their work.

Plagiarisms is when?

Plagiarism is always wrong. However, if you give credit where credit is due its called Quoting. Then it is OK.

Is changing or rearranging the words from a source without giving credit to the original author plagiarism?

Yes, changing or rearranging the words from a source without giving credit to the original author is still considered plagiarism. It is important to properly cite the source and give credit to the original author for their work, even if you are rephrasing their words.


Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own without proper attribution. It is considered unethical and a violation of academic or professional integrity. To avoid plagiarism, it is important to properly cite and give credit to the original sources of any information used in your work.

When is plagiarism okay?

Plagiarism is never okay. It involves passing off someone else's work or ideas as your own, which is a form of dishonesty and intellectual theft. It is important to always give credit to the original source when using someone else's work.

Is it plagiarism if you use quotes?

Paraphrasing is considered plagiarism if it is not cited and you take credit for the work/idea. If you cite the information and give credit to the author, then no, paraphrsing is not plagiarism.

Is it true As long as you use parenthetical citation in your paper you cannot be guilty of plagiarism?

As long as you give credit where it is due, you cannot be guilty of plagiarism.

Is scanning text or a picture plagiarism?

No, scanning text or a picture itself is not plagiarism. Plagiarism refers to using someone else's work and passing it off as your own without giving credit. If you scan a text or picture and use it in a way that constitutes plagiarism, such as using someone else's words without proper citation, then it would be considered plagiarism.