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No, the correct phrase would be "In compliance with all points above."

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Q: Is it correct to say In case of compliance all points above?
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Is king's rights the correct example of the singular possessive case?

No, "king's rights" is the correct example of the singular possessive case. The apostrophe s ('s) is used to indicate possession by one singular noun.

Why is it important to understand rules of a case?

Understanding the rules of a case is important because they establish the framework for how the case will be decided. Knowing the rules helps ensure that arguments are presented effectively and in compliance with legal standards, leading to a more logical and persuasive presentation. Failure to understand the rules can result in arguments being dismissed and negatively impact the outcome of the case.

What is a watershed case?

A watershed case is a legal case that sets a precedent or marks a significant turning point in the interpretation or application of the law. It is often influential in shaping future decisions or laying the foundation for new legal standards.

How do you prepare a summary of civil case pursuant to CRC3.1800?

To prepare a summary of a civil case pursuant to CRC 3.1800, you need to identify the material facts of the case, the legal issues involved, the arguments made by the parties, and the evidence presented. Then, you should provide a brief analysis of the key points of disagreement and the court's ruling. Remember to focus on the most important aspects of the case to create a concise and clear summary.

What does mtn to correct record mean in court?

"MTN to correct record" in court typically refers to a Motion to Correct the Record. This motion is filed to address any inaccuracies or errors in the court record, such as incorrect dates, names, or information. The purpose is to ensure that the court record is accurate and reflects the true facts of the case.

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Is king’s rights a correct example of the singular possessive case?

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The correct phrasing is "she and I". Using "her and I" is grammatically incorrect.

is king’s rights a correct example of the singular possessive case?

Yes, the king's right is a correct example of the singular possessive case

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A trapezium has four points. If it has five, it is not a trapezium unless three of the points are on the same line. And in that case, one of those points is redundant.

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How many points do you need in the leaving cert to do law?

Depends on where you go to study law, best option is to look up some prospectus' and see what the points are like in several collages and apply to 3 or 4 just in case. The problem is that you might get the points that are displayed, but those points are the points that the last person to get in had from the leaving. So to be comfortable aim another 30-40 points above the entry points at least.

Do you get points on your license if you get a ticket?

Yes.if you dont pay it there could be a court case against ya

Which is correct 'arrived for her' or 'arrived for she'?

The correct phrase is "arrived for her." In this case, "her" is the objective pronoun that should be used after the preposition "for."

Does accident give points on your licensse?

It depends if there was any major fault on your own behalf, such as lack of due care and attention, dangerous driving, or just plain stupidness, if it was purely an accident then no it won't, but any of the above things May cause them to decide to give you points, usually 6 in the case of an accident.