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Yes, the LEFT TURNER must ensure that the turn can be made in safety. If not, do not make the turn - go to the next intersection and then come back.

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Q: Is it failure to yield on left turn when oncoming traffic is non-visible behind a hill?
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High beam lights should be dimmed for oncoming traffic and when you are behind a vehicle in front of you?

TRUE statement. The actual distance is dictated by state law, which varies.

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When there are oncoming cars to left of you and a child on a bike to the right, long before you get close to the biker, SLOW down, be prepared to stop. Let all oncoming traffic pass. Stay behind the biker, with plenty of distance. Do NOT blow your horn at the biker--the child could wreck. Once ALL oncoming traffic is past, AND you have clear sight distance, slowly drive past the biker (even if you cross left of center) and pull back to your lane with enough distance in front of the biker. Bikers have rights to be on the road, too.

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NO, you must STOP unless you are on a hwy separated by a median then if you are opposite of the bus you may, but if you are the same side NO NO!

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500ft if it's oncoming. 350ft if you're coming up behind someone.

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The guy from the parking spot because he is looking behind him for oncoming traffic. The guy coming out of the alley wasn't too bright either. Think about it.

How do you judge gaps in traffic?

First, you need to know how fast the oncoming traffic is going. Obviously if traffic is moving slowly, you don't need a large gap. If traffic is moving fast, you need a larger gap. Secondly, you should know how long it will take you to speed up to the speed limit. Finally, if you are not sure if you can make it in a gap, don't try to. There will be another gap. The people who are behind you will wait. Be safe, be smart.

Do you make a left turn in front of or behind an oncoming car also making a left turn?

In front.

When should you dim your lights?

When you are within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or you come up behind a vehicle.

Reversing on a public road and hit a vehicle coming out of private driveway?

The backing vehicle appears to be at fault - they should have been looking behind them to see what was happening there and seen the car coming out of the driveway.The car coming out of the driveway would have had their attention in the other direction, looking for oncoming traffic.

Is it legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky?

Yes, provided there is nobody behind your car, and you are not backing up directly into oncoming traffic. As long as you can do it sober and not cause injury or damage to anyone or anything, of course it's legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky or anyplace else on the planet for that matter.