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Africa experienced violence before, during and after European colonial powers ruled. So, no.

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Q: Is it fair to blame the European colonial powers for the violence in Africa after they withdrew?
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Which groups migrations helped to spread culture in Africa?

The European colonial expansion did this.

Which of the following describes the competition between European powers for colonial territory in Africa?

The scramble for Africa

Why did European nations want to establish colonies in Africa?

It was colonized because there was a lot of gold and diamonds in Africa

What are 3 European colonial powers of Africa?

The English, the French, and the Dutch, although none of Africa is currently colonized.

How did European colonial rule affect agriculture in Africa?

Colonial Rule, affected agriculture in Africa by bringing in more crop's and growing more resources and trading more.

What are the colonial (European) languages spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa?

The main colonial languages spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa are English, French, Portuguese, and to a lesser extent, Spanish and German. These languages were introduced by European powers during the colonial period and continue to be widely spoken and used as official languages in many countries throughout the region.

Why and how the colonial economy introduced in Africa?

colonial economy was a project established by colonial government to their colonies for the purpose of improving the European industries and other sectors such as social sectors and economical sectors.

Why was most of Africa was under European colonial rule during the 19th century?

The European wanted to control natural rescources found there.

Which European countries quickly expanded their claims in Africa?

to establish the boundaries between colonial powers.

What was the Berlin conferences of 1884?

The Berlin Conference was a meeting of European colonial powers (chiefly Britain, France, and Germany) to negotiate the division of colonial territories within the Congo and Niger regions of Africa.