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A pH indicator paper can be used to tell if a solution is acidic or basic and the rough pH range can be known

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Q: Is it false that Indicator paper is used to identify acids and bases?
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What following statements about acids and bases is false?

Acids add H+ ions to a solution. Bases add OH- ions to a solution.

Acid and neutral are opposites true or false?

False. Acids and bases can be said to be opposites.

Bases make a sour taste in your mouth true or false?

This is false. Bases are associated with bitter tastes and acids are sour. For an example, baking soda is a base and lemon juice is an acid.

Acids give soaps their useful properties?

Nope, bases actually gives soaps their useful properties.

True or false Buffers are weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases to prevent sudden changes in pH?

Yes if u add 2 acids or bases or and acid and base together if both contain acids or bases it creates a poisounos gas that can kill or knock you out and will make pH higher. Dont try it though buy pH paper and use on ammonia ammonia is about a 11-12 on pH scale its very powerful. that was extra but yes it can cause sudden change matter what acids or bases you combine it with.

When acids and bases react they form compounds called salt which are made of metals and nonmetals true or false?

Yes, it is correct.

Both strong acids and strong bases are highly corrosive?

They both dissociate virtually 100% in water.

A median of a trapezoid is perpendicular to the bases true or false?

false. it is parellel to the bases

Is the use of a POA indicator is optional?


Do base have a pH below 7?

False. Acids have a pH from 0-7, 7 is neutral, and bases are 7-14. Characteristic ions for acids and bases are H+ and OH-. The more H+ present, the more acidic. The more OH- present, the more basic.

What statements is false about omega fatty acids?

Omega fatty acids are not saturated compounds.

If you want to identify a base you feel it is that true or false?

that is dangerous. so its false