

Is it good to be vegetarian?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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Both yes and no. You are not being a part of thousands upon thousands of animals being killed a day for humans to eat. But then again, meat is very important for the human body, we need meat for protein, calories, etc. Just make sure you are still being healthy and getting needed nutrients.

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Q: Is it good to be vegetarian?
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Where can I find vegetarian dinner recipes?

A vegetarian diet is always good for the health and it is for the best interest for one to start it early. Good vegetarian recipes can be found online in websites such as and

What is a good vegetarian Diet for you?

A good vegetarian diet must consist of plenty of fiber, protein, and good fat. Also, do not forget to drink plenty of water.

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A vegetarian cooking school is not a school that just trains you in any type of cooking; the train you to prepare vegetarian dishes. The recipes that are taught are very healthy and meatless. Vegetarian is definitely the way to go. Good job and good luck!

Should i become a vegetarian?

Its good for you, and its good for animals. I recommend yes!

How do eggs improve the nutritional profile for a lacto vegetarian product?

Lacto-vegetarian does not include eggs. A vegetarian who consumes eggs is called an ovo-vegetarian or an ovo-lacto-vegetarian (a vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy products).Eggs are a good source of protein, lecithin, iron, and many other nutrients. It can enhance a vegetarian diet.

How do eggs improve the nutritional profile for a lacto-vegetarian product?

Lacto-vegetarian does not include eggs. A vegetarian who consumes eggs is called an ovo-vegetarian or an ovo-lacto-vegetarian (a vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy products).Eggs are a good source of protein, lecithin, iron, and many other nutrients. It can enhance a vegetarian diet.