

Is it good to have a energy drink before a race?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It depends on how long the race is. At any decent distance, the cons of dehydration and the low after the stimulant effects Amy outweigh the pros of more energy and focus.

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Q: Is it good to have a energy drink before a race?
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Ok. . . NEVER eat or drink dairy products before a race, youll get very sick. I would suggest you to eat what i eat which is toast with peanut butter and bananas on it, only one peice of bread and fold the bread in half. Everyones different. this one girl on my cross country team cant race unless she eats breakfast at the waffle house. if she doesnt get to eat there then shell get sick and wont race very good. SO good luck with your choice, make sure to drink at least 3 bottles of water before a race

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Tony is a long-distance runner What type of food would be his best source of energy before an important race?

To drink he should have something like Gatorade and to eat before a run you don't want anything too heavy .Maby something that has a good amount of protein and fruit is great to have before a run.

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Gives us quick bursts of energy but goes after a short while. Example: if you need energy for a race just for half an hour an energy drink is good just to take you to the finish line. But if eat to much of fats and sugars then you might become obesity.

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i am a swimmer..before practice I usually eat a banana, apples, oranges or any fruit. The different fruits and vegetables help with the energy levels to keep a good pace in the pool. Before a race I usually eat the same fruits and drink ALOT of water because believe it or not we DO dehydrate in the pool! Gatorades are also a good drink to drink because it helps replace lost electrolytes.

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I first took it before my race 40 min. before, I guess for my first race I felt good like it did give me some extra energy. But I would suggest to try it only once..I kept taking it before races and felt out of energy and slower. So my answer is a definite no NOO!! :) -Hope this helped

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Eat a lot of carbohydrates the night before. eat some fruit about 2 hours before the race. Don't eat right before though because you will get sick. Its best to run on a empty stomach. At most if you want to eat a little something before, a good snack would be a gronola bar. Oh and make sure you drink lots of water the day before and early on before the race so you dont get dehydrated.