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Q: Is it good to have broad spectrum antibiotics for cold?
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What pathogens does antibiotics kill?

Broad spectrum antibiotics do kill all bacteria. They are effective against gram- and gram + bacteria. They will even kill the normal "good" bacteria that your body has naturally inside of you, which may cause other infections later on. This kind of antibiotic is important in life threatening situations when identification if the bacteria can't be accomplished. Narrow spectrum antibiotics can only kill a limited range of bacteria. You would need to know what kind of bacteria you are dealing with if you use this kind. So, basicly not all antibiotics work to kill all bacteria only the broad spectrum ones, and these should be used with caution.

What is a Good broad spectrum antibiotic for dogs?

Amoxicillin alone, in combination with Clavulanic Acid, Quinolones like Enrofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin are good choices for initial therapy.

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"Sony makes many products on a broad spectrum of quality and price areas. If you are asking the general perception, then yes, sony is ""good"" brandwise."

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Commodity trading entails a broad spectrum of work. Commodity trading is the trading of raw materials or finished products for the good of two sectors, or countries.

How does pH affect the absorption spectrum?

How does the air temperature affect the absorption spectrum? Well, it is believed that in the cold or cool climates, the spectrum will get cold, therefor the water is cold. If it gets cold enough, the spectrum could and might freeze. If a plant is in a very warm or hot climate, and it gets too warm, the spectrum could get 'overwhelmed' with how much nutrients and water it has to absorb to stay alive, and it might just shrivel up, meaning, the plant could shrivel up. If you store a plant in a mild climate, it should be just fine, as long as you give it enough good soil and water.

How does absorption affect the temperature?

How does the air temperature affect the absorption spectrum? Well, it is believed that in the cold or cool climates, the spectrum will get cold, therefor the water is cold. If it gets cold enough, the spectrum could and might freeze. If a plant is in a very warm or hot climate, and it gets too warm, the spectrum could get 'overwhelmed' with how much nutrients and water it has to absorb to stay alive, and it might just shrivel up, meaning, the plant could shrivel up. If you store a plant in a mild climate, it should be just fine, as long as you give it enough good soil and water.

What kind of antibiotics are good for cats colds?

None. A cold, in a cat as in a human, is caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not help virus-caused diseases. Your vet may prescribe amoxycillin in cases where he believes there is a bacterial component. The amount of any prescription will, of course, depend on the weight of the cat, and you should not try to guess the amount yourself.

What are antibiotics useful for?

Antibiotics are used to fight bad bacteria/infection, although they just attack all cells in the body both good and bad. It is important to take antibiotics as prescribed and to take the entire dose. If you do not take the whole prescription, the antibiotics will attack only the good cells and leave your body more susceptible to another infection or illness. You can also find probiotics and a prescription is not required for taking them. You can order them online.It is also important to note that antibiotics SHOULD NOT be used for colds or the flu (including H1N1). These illnesses are caused by viruses, which are not responsive to antibiotics. Taking antibiotics is useless when you have the cold/flu.

Can you use ciprofoxacin to treat yeast infection?

As you know Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) is an antibiotic used to treat yeast infections, urinary tract and ear infections.Here is a research that i found on the internet about this topic:Yeast infections are becoming more and more common nowadays and part of the reason for that is antibiotics. There are tow types of antibiotics, narrow spectrum that target one type of bacteria and broad spectrum that target a range. The latter type of antibiotics cause yeast infections.So as a bottom line treat your yeast infection from the 1st symptoms and try to prevent these kind of infection because you will be the only one to suffer.

Do antibiotics work with a weakened immune system?

Yes antibiotics do affect the immune system because they kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad ones that you want to fight off. This leaves your immune system exposed by having minimal good bacteria left to fight of things such as a cold , so try not to use antibiotics for things such as a cold as it will work down your immune system, also a cold is a virus which antibiotics don't kill .

How long is cephalexin good for?

Most antibiotics kick in within72 hrs if they are the right one to treat the specific infective organism. You need a full 7-10 day treatment usually. If still running fever above 100 after 3rd day, I would recheck with your doctor. Keflex is a broad spectrum antibiotic but if in any doubt see your physician.

Another name for spectrum?

Sweep, extent, scope, range, span, and orbit are all good synonyms for spectrum.