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NO. Better try using Burnol or other types of sunburn lotions.

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14y ago
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14y ago

well yeah cause if you peel it off the scab becomes new and heals faster but if you peel it off the cut becomes vulnerable to bacteria and microbes so I'd better not if I was you

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Q: Is it good to peel off dead skin from a sunburn?
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Why do you peel when you have sunburn?

Because sunburn IS actually a burn. It starts to burn you skin and it's way of healing is to get rid of the damaged skin and grow new, healthy skin.

Why does sunburn skin often peel in sheets?

the outermost layer of skin cells is dead now,so as the new layer grows,it pushes out the dead one in order to breath,so the dead one falls out...

Is a tattoo supposed to peel like a sunburn?

No, its supposed to stay on your skin forever. Yes, it is supposed to peel and you also are supposed to moisturize.

Do you put lotion on the skin after you peel sunburn off?

Sunscreen eventually breaks down and more has to be put on. The container usually gives directions as to how often to reapply.

Does sunburn on your face peel?

Yes, the damaged skin will slough off as part of the healing process.

What is the name of the dead skin your body after a sunburn?

Its a fish brain

How is it protective for skin to peel after a severe sunburn?

The skin that peels off is the damaged skin cells, which reveals fresh, healthy skin. It's the same process as when you exfoliate.

What cause a sunburn?

A sunburn is caused by to much UV radiation reaching your skin. its most likely caused because you don't put (enough) sunscreen on because of sunburns your skin can feel irritated and your skin can start to peel away

Should you peel off the dead second third degree burn skin?

The best thing is to let it fall off, because you might accidentally peel off too much and irritate the sunburn. Hope I helped you, Gigglybeth :)

What do you do when your skin peels after a sunburn?

Use more sunblock in the future and reapply it every 15 minutes (I know it's a drag but its worth it). Now if you do get a sunburn DO NOT PEEL IT!!! Not only will this make it more noticeable but it can get infected. Drink lots of water to get it from the inside. If it itches take a cool shower or bath then apply lotion. Trust me, I just got back from Cali and I forgot my sunscreen!

When you get a really bad sunburn is there a way to not peel and keep the tan?

No, sunburn is a burn. It kills the surface layer of skin and this will peel off. However, gentle, short and prolonged exposure to the sun (never getting burned in the process) will cause melanin to appear in your skin. This sort of tan is not caused by a burn and is a semi permanent change in your skin (provided exposure to sun is kept up) and this will not peel off. HOWEVER please remember that exposure to the sun (UV rays) is harmful to the skin and can cause skin cancers later in life - bad sunburn is especially dangerous for this!

Why does a burn peel?

getting rid of dead skin. there is fresh skin underneath