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No, as it damages cartilage.

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Q: Is it healthy to pop your joints?
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Related questions

What are some things you can do to get and keep healthy joints?

To keep healthy joints you should take lots of Fish Oil pills which keep your joints very healthy. Most of thoose pills can be purchased at any drug store.

How do joints pop out of place?

by the shaking of hands and feet

Why does your big toe pop?

HMMM...because it cannot,"MOM?" Gas in joints makes them pop...

What sounds does bad cv joints make?

Snap, Crackle and Pop.

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How can you keep bones and joints healthy?

lots of milk and calcium

Is cracking your tongue heathly?

You do not have joints in your tongue so you cannot crack or pop it

Car make pop noise when you turn?

Check ball joints for play

How do you pop joints?

Buy putting pressure on them. Like twisting or pulling the joint.

Is bone cancer related to joints popping?

Not that I know of If it is then I have bone cancer My joints pop all the time because I used to play sports

Why do ankles crack when you walk?

"Cracking joints" are an interesting and poorly understood phenomenon. There are many theories as to why joints crack or pop, but the exact cause is simply not known.

What causes a 1995 Nissan Quest to pop and click during turns?

Worn out CV joints