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not 100% sure but in Connecticut the regulation states that you may not own any potentially harmful pet. the part im unsure about is it lists families of species such as k-9 feline, bears, ect. under the k-9 list of banned it has wolf and coyote, so fox may be ok, but i would check with an authority figure to be safe.

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Q: Is it illegal to own a fennec fox in Connecticut?
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Related questions

What type of permit do you need to own a fennec fox?

For a fennec fox, you will need a Class III Wildlife permit.

Can you own a fox in NC?

Yes you can. You don't need a license to own one. If the fennec fox is imported then you must get permit and USDA license.

Can a fennec fox jump?

Yes! They can jump up to i think 10 times their own height.

How much is a licence or permit to own a pet fox in Mn.?

You may own a pet fox, be it a red or fennec fox but you need a license to do so & the fox must be from a breeder, not taken from the wild.

Can you own a fennec fox in Arizona?

They are under the list of undesirable species under 4VAC15-30-40. So unless you have a permit for one, then no- you can not legally own one.

Do you need a permit to own a fox in TN?

It's all dependent on the type of fox. Under Type II of the TN Exotic Animal Laws, you may not legally own a native species. This would include Red Foxes and Grey Foxes. They are outright illegal to own. Arctic and Fennec foxes on the other hand are not native to Tennessee and therefore are legal to own without permit.

Is it illegal to have a fox for a pet?

According to DEFRA, for the canines of the following genera, you do not need any kind of license to own one as a pet in the UK Alopex - Arctic Fox, Cerdocyon - Crab-Eating Fox, Otocyon - Bat-Eared Fox, Psuedolopex - Argentine Grey Fox, Urocyon - Island Fox, Vulpes - Red Fox. You would therefore need a license for species like the Kit Fox, or the Fennec.

Are fennec foxes legal to own in Oklahoma?

They are legal with a permit. :)

How can you get a fennec fox?

Simple. Get one from a store or capture one.In the United States and Canada , there are good breeders. Here is a link to a directory: They sell from $800.00-1500.00You must consider that buying wild animals as companions, is generally not the best idea. Adopting an injured fennec fox is a better one. Of course, you would need a license.

How much do fennec foxes cost?

$1000 to around $20,000 it saidMy fennec fox is costing me $1200. I had to make a $250 non-refundable deposit to show intent to purchase. Fennecs are not the pet for you if you don't have a huge amount of time in your day to devote to training them. They are much smarter than a dog or cat and get into trouble.

Is project 64 illegal?

Project 64 is not illegal on its own. It is downloading games that you don't own that is illegal. If you own the original games, however, I am sure it is not illegal.

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Georgia it is illegal not to own a rake