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In most states, it is illegal to release pet turtles that have lived in captivity for over 3 or 4 years. I would try to find a new family for him. If he has been in captivity his whole life then the wild would be a shock, and probably send him into depression once he realizes that there are no people and no free food. If you follow the link below, you can put him up for adoption.

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Q: Is it illegal to release a pet turtle in Louisiana?
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Is it illegal to own a baby turtle in the state of Idaho?

Some turtle species are protected, but a common turtle bought at a pet store is not illegal.

Can you keep a spotted turtle as a pet?

I may be illegal to keep one as a pet, if you have gotten it from the wild where you live. But it is usually okay to keep them as pets if you get them from pet shops or breeders.

How much can a pet turtle be?

A pet turtle can be about a 50 years old.

Is it allowed to keep a turtle as a pet in Norway?

I think so. My friend had a turtle as a pet.

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Peter got his turtle from the pet store. He bought it at the pet store.

How do you get a pet turtle and what does it cost?

You go to the pet shop and buy a turtle for about $50.00 - $100.00. (£20 - £40)

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No, but it is illegal to own roosters for cockfighting operations. However, it is not illegal to own chickens for food or pet purposes, especially if you live in the country. It might be a different story for more urban areas.

How much does a pet turtle cost?

i think my family member said that a pet turtle costs 7.00 at Skippie's.

Which is cheaper a pet rabbit or pet donkey or pet turtle?

pet rabbit... you can get some for $10.00 CAN

When will the big turtle be the pet of the mouth?

Not all Webkinz get to be the Pet of the Month. The big turtle may become the Pet of the Month someday, but it is not certain nor likely.

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