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In some countries, like Germany, yes it is illegal. And in the United States, while not entirely illegal, it is very much frowned upon, as Nazi symbols are not popular with most Americans. If you wore such a symbol to most high schools, you would probably be told to remove it immediately or face a suspension.

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Q: Is it illegal to wear a Nazi armband to school?
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Is it illegal to be a Nazi in the US?

No, one of my ancestors was a Nazi and that makes me a Nazi and I don't think it's illegal because if it was then I wouldn't be here. But on the other hand that might explain why our last name was changed when world war II was over.actually because one of your ancestors was a nazi does not mean you are a nazi. it is legal to be a nazi in the us. ( BUT DO NOT BE A NAZI IN GERMANY OR SOME OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE IT IS CONSIDERED A BIG CRIME. ) in the us u can be a nazi and wear the armband and have a flag since being a nazi is basically like being catholic,christian, buhdist etc etc. it is not such a wise idea to bring a armband or flag to school but i don't know if you will actually get in trouble since it is a first amendment right ( freedom of speech ) you actually shouldn't get in trouble but i would not try. so in short you are free to wear an armband speak nazi hate Jews,gays,etc have a flag and any memorabilia you want have or need

Are swastika armbands legal to wear in Germany?

Only the Nazi version, the use of religious and cultural use is tolerated, however as long if there is no Nazi reference.

Which arm do you wear a black armband on as mark of respect?

"You would wear it on your right arm." Is not correct. A black armband should be worn on your left arm. The reason for this is that the armband represents the deceased and by wearing the armband you are wanting to keep the deceased close to your heart. Your left arm is the one closer to your heart.

What to wear that begins with the letter A?

anklet, armband,

WHAT is another name for the muay thai armband?

armband called Prajioud and the one that you wear over your head called Mongkol

Is it illegal to draw a Nazi sign?

It is not illegal to draw a Nazi sign or symbol in the United States as it is protected under the First Amendment as a form of free speech. However, displaying such symbols in certain contexts or with intent to incite violence or hatred may be considered illegal under hate speech laws.

Why does Robin Roberts wear an armband?

I think she has a PICC line.

What is on shmuel's armband?

✡ That symbol is the Star of David. It symbolises the Jews. Shmuel, being a Jewish prisoner at Auschwitz death camp, must wear the Jewish armband.

Who use armband in ancient Egyptian?

Kings and queens wear armbands made of gold and silver.

Is it illegal in Canada to wear a Nazi arm band for Halloween?

No, the swastika is not illegal in Canada. As part of a Hallowe'en costume, you would be justified in wearing it; many would see it as a very good idea for such a costume.

Are guy skater suposes to wear an armband on the right or left arm?

There is no right answer to this question because it doesn't matter where you wear your armband if you even choose to wear one at all. It's all about having your own personal style and preference, if it feels more comfortable on the right then that's great, but it's not necessary to skate.

Why do football Captains wear the armband on their left arm?

So that they know or tell the people (notify) theyare the captains.