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It depends. You would have to go and prove that you are able to support and take care of yourself hence get emancipated. If you do decide to just run away, parents are in legal right to make you come back.

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Q: Is it legal for a seventeen year old female to move out of her parent's house in the state of Texas?
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Can move out of your parents house at the age of seventeen without getting into legal trouble?

In most places, a person must be at least 18 years old to move out of their parents' house without legal repercussions. However, some states allow minors to leave home at 17 if certain conditions are met, such as getting parental consent or being legally emancipated by the court. It's important to research the laws in your specific area before making any decisions.

Can you place a seventeen year old back in parents house while they are seventeen against there will?


A seventeen year old female in Oregon with child and a nineteen year old male want to live at his parents house can she do that without her parents permission?

No you are a minor with a child and need your parents permission to move.

If a seventeen-year-old female moved out of her parents' house and she does not depend on them financially can her parents still press pins in New York state?

Unless she becomes an emancipated minor the answer is yes.

Can you as a 17 year old female move out your parents house with out there permission in Texas?

not unless you have been amanciapted

How can you leave your parents house at age seventeen?

No, Age 18

Is it legal to move out of the house at the age of seventeen?

In most places, a person must be at least 18 years old to move out of their parents' home without their permission. However, laws can vary by location, so it's best to check the legal age of emancipation in your specific area. It's also important to consider the potential impact on your education, finances, and overall well-being before making such a decision.

If you moved out of your parents house at seventeen and they were fine with it can they force you to move back in?


Can you legally move out of your parents house without their consent at the age of seventeen in the state of Georgia?


Can a 17 year old female leave her parents house in Texas with getting in trouble by the police and without parents consent?

if u do that u can get in trouble cause ur not 18

Can a pregnant seventeen year old female move out of her parents house in Indiana without her parents consent?

No. Being pregnant/becoming a parent does not give a minor any adult rights. The minor is still subject to the control and supervision of their parents until they turn 18.

Can a seventeen year old legally move out of one parents house to to the others in the state of Kentucky?
