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Adultery is not illegal - the man will not be prosecuted.

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Q: Is it legal for married man to get other woman pregnant in California?
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What if a women commits adultery and gets pregnant by the other married man and years later she is claiming child support is he responsible for the kid.?

You will need legal help. Generally, the legal father is the one that the woman is married to at the time of the birth.

Besides having to be pregnant to get married as a minor are there other places that will allow a marriage without parental connect like Mexico or Canada?

Even if you are pregnate while a minor you still need to get a legal guardans approval before you can be legally married in general, but if you go to another country to get married, and are NOT a legal citizen of that country, it would not be a legal marriage.

Can you get married at 17 anywhere in the us without parental consent if your pregnant?

No that is only legal in a couple of states. Pregnancy don't give you more rights other than concerning the baby.

How do polygamist claimed to be married if it is not legal?

Many polygamists are legally married to their first spouse, and only religiously or 'spiritually' married to the other spouse, without a legal marriage liscence.

Where to you file for divorce if you live in Germany but were married in California?

As long as the marriage was legal in the state where it took place (e.g. it wasn't bigamous and you had fulfilled all other legal requirements) then it doesn't matter wher you were married, you just file the divorce papers. A local lawyer will be able to give you detailed advice relating to your personal circumstances.

Do you have to be a resident of Georgia to get married if you're 16 and pregnant?

No. There are plenty of other places you could be a resident and still get married at 16.

Why do you think Shakespeare married his wife?

The fact that she was pregnant may have had something to do with it, but she wouldn't have got pregnant by him if they hadn't liked each other. Shakespeare was young to be married, but the pregnancy brought matters to a head.

If a dutch guy married in the Philippines.Can he get married to other country without annulment of his first married?

That would be the crime of bigamy. If the marriage is legal in one country, it is considered legal pretty much everywhere else in the world.

Is spanking legal in California?

Yes, it is legal. Watch out though. Anything other then open hand on the buttucks that leaves no marks can get you in trouble.

Where can one find California Criminal Defense Attorneys online?

One can find California criminal defense attorneys online by checking out the website California Attorney Referral. Other options are to look at Legal Match, Legal Help Lawyers and California Criminal Defender.

You got married in Trinidad is your marriage legal?

If the marriage is completely legal under the laws of Trinidad and Tobago, it will be honored in other countries.

Is there a US state where it is legal to get married if you are 13 and your boyfriend is 44 what if I'm pregnant he can't get in trouble right?

Most states require parental permission if you're under 18. I found this information which you might want to check. Yes, your boyfriend can get in BAD trouble for having sex with you. Other situations - Pregnant Teens: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland and Oklahoma allow pregnant teens or teens who have already had a child to get married without parental consent.