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Yes, it is legal as long as the shed is up to wiring and Plumbing codes.

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Q: Is it legal to have bathroom and electricity in a shed?
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Your bathroom disappeared because there was a storm. You see, if your bathroom wasn't built with a strong enough material it can be destroyed in storms as well as your animal shed, bird shed, maker shed etc. email the harvest moon ds cute expert at -- I promise this isn't a prank or joke! If you have any questions harvest moon related just simply email the expert!!!

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Only if you`re ugly.

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Only if you`re ugly.

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its not legal but it would be weird

What things are found in men's bathroom?

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Is it safe to have a bathroom tv?

Yes, it is safe to have a tv in the bathroom as long as you have it securely mounted and attached to a surge protector. You have to be careful when you have electricity in close proximity to water.