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If it is not against the law it should be. Children are phsycological human beings. If there is a problem that is not solved in other appropriate ways then professional help is available. To lock children in the bedroom as a means of having time to yourself is absolutely wrong and should not be tolerated. The long term effects of confining children could be seriously negative. A fire could take place and the children could not get out of there rooms and the parents may not be able to get to them toopen the doors. Child locked in the room at night at three and half to four years old cannot get out to go to the bath room and wets his bed while all the other children are dry at night. A minor example but a real one. AGAINST THE LAW - ABSOLUTELY YES ELAINE GARRETT It must be added that if a child doesn't listen and stay in the room for time out and even leaves the safety of the house to play in the street while the parent is showering or legitimately occupied; then it is in the child's best interest to be "secured" into their rooms. short time periods are ok there are no laws anywhere in any state that state that You cannot lock your children in their rooms for short periods of time. the above commenter obviously has no children or doesn't know what it is like to time out a child with ADHD who would be more eager to not listen than to listen when it comes to the well being of itself. Furthermore, there are many instances of 3-5 year-olds that turn on stove-tops and start fires that kill, while the parent is legitimately occupied. ie.(showering, using restroom, mowing the lawn, and other instances your child should not be right at your feet) It is within the parents rights; as long as it is in the "best interest" of the child to "secure" the child as needed and when needed. LAW is LAW so please don't let emotions blind your readers from otherwise perfectly legitimate actions in your answers. I understand that some parents choose to do this for long periods of time and as a regular regiment, and that would be abuse, or more fitting term would be "neglect", and yes those parents should be brought to justice in some form.

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13y ago

No, it's not legal.

It's actually a form of psychological and emotional abuse, child abuse, as well as neglect. You should seek counseling.

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Q: Is it against the law to lock children in a bedroom?
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If it isn't, it should be. At the very least, it should constitute neglect, since, by definition, locking a child in their room, means that they are unsupervised by an adult. You cannot supervise anyone without being in the same room or having visual contact.

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