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mountain moonshine is one of the many distilleries in west Virginia that legally produces and sells moonshine

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Q: Is it legal to make moonshine in wv?
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Can you make moonshine for your own consumption legally?

not in the united states. it is a felony. You even have to get a special permit to make moonshine for scientific reasons. it is legal, however, to make beer.

Is it legal to make moonshine in Kansas?

Moonshine essentially means "illegally distilled liquor." If it's illegally distilled, by definition it's not legal. The laws regulating distillation are mainly federal laws anyway, so the state doesn't matter.

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Can you make moonshine in Calif?

It is legal to grow weed now(since January 2018 ( in California only).)

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Is it legal to deer hunt with a 223 in wv?

it is legal to hunt deer with a 223 in wv but it only has to be a .25 cal for rim fire

What weather conditions do you need to make moonshine?

Yes, you can make moonshine outside in the winter time.

Is moonshine legal in Washington state?

Moonshine is illegal in every state. You can buy a product they say is moonshine in liquor stores, but it's not anywhere near the alcohol percentage of real moonshine.

Is a crossbow considered a firearm in wv?

You will need to consult a lawyer familiar with WV firearms law for a legal and correct answer.

Is moonshine legal?

While there are several companies who DO possess a federal tax stamp to legally distill and sell a product they call "Moonshine" the production of 'homemade,' untaxed alcohol for consumption is illegal in the US by federal law.

Can you make moonshine in Alabama legally?

No, a person cannot make moonshine legally in Alabama. Alabama state law forbids the making or distilling of moonshine whiskey. The state of Alabama has created a special task force to stop the illegal making of moonshine.