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yes hunny xx

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Q: Is it normal for a 15 year old girl to be on her period for 7 days straight?
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Is it normal to have a period for 13 days?

Most periods last around 3 to 7 days. If yours is 13, that is not dramatically different. Every girl is different. Therefore, every period is different. A period of 13 days would be normal if the same person always have it for 13 days. If the person usually has a 4 day period, for example, then has a 13 day period, that isn't normal. Remember, if this is one of the first few periods, it is supposed to be irregular Once a regular period starts, then it should stay regular.

You are a 14 year old girl and you have only had your period twice but it has been well over 60 days since your last one is this normal?

Yes, this is very normal.

Is it normal for a straight girl to have a crush on another girl?

No, not at all, consider yourself bisexual

How many days does it take for a girl to get her period?

28 days

What is the time period of a normal menstrual cycle for a girl?

the period of mc varies from 5-7 days every month in a girl. the no. of days between your first and second cycle should vary from 28-30 days. if yu want to ask any more questions about puberty you can ask me at my message board. my username is flora1802.

When does a girl have their period?

Once a girl has started menstruating, her period should come about once a month and will last for about 5 to 7 days. Cycles vary, though, and what is "normal" for one girl will not be "normal" for another. Some girls have very regular periods and will be able to calculate exactly when their bleeding will start and finish, while others have more irregular cycles and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when the period will start and end.

Conceived straight after period boy or girl?

50% chance of either.

Is having a fever normal for a girl starting her period?


Does a girl have to have a period for a full week?

no not at all period may vary from 4 to 14 days in the same girl

You have irrgular periods but you had a period 32 days ago and 28 days after the first day of last period you had a little bit of blood when you wiped and a bit of discharge pgtest neg day before bled?

its perfectly normal every girl is different and there is no such thing as normal. if this has been happenening to you alot go and see your doctor

Is normal to have a 2 day period?

it is not supposed to unless you are pregnent of just starting off a period for the first time. check it out with a doctor.

Can a girl get pregnant two days after period ends?
