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your body doesn't work in sync so it's very possible for that to happen to you.......... just like you can haveacnebefire you are a teen or even after when your like 20

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Q: Is it normal for a girl to start her period before she has breast development?
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Is it normal for your breast to have a fluid in them before your period?

It is nomal for some women for their breasts to get slightly larger right before their period.

Is it normal that breast is tender during the period?

Yes it is normal. Before I got pregnant every period I had my breat would hurt.

If you have swore breast does it mean you have breast cancer?

no.sometimes your breasts are sore for other reasons. MORE Breast soreness can come just before a period and is normal. Stay off sugars, salt, and caffeine before your period and that may help you.

When do your breast hurt before your period?

My breast typically hurt about a week or so before my period is due, but i have heard that swollen or tender breast can be signs of pregnancy.

Can you breast hurt during period?

Yes. There are many possible causes for breast pain. For example, hormone level changes related to menstruation or pregnancy are often responsible for breast tenderness. Some degree of swelling and tenderness just before your period is normal.

Do your breasts grow when you are on your period?

Having your period is the sign that means that you are starting your puberty. Puberty includes breast development, so your breast will start growing when you are having your period.

Can a girl start her period before breast development?

Yes, although somewhat rare, it can happen, some children have been recorded as having their period (astonishingly) at two years old.

Is it normal for breast tenderness and pain after your period and all day?

yes. it is.

When do you start developing breast after your period?

Menstruation and breast growth aren't really connected. Everyone develops differently. Menarche (first period) and breast development are both just part of puberty, everyone develops differently so some women may see a lot of breast development before menarche, whereas others may see no breast development until their late teens or even early twenties. Breast development typically occurs during your teens as you go through puberty, into your twenties fat distribution in your body changes which can result in increased breast size, and even into adulthood breast size can change with hormonal changes, weight changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Is it normal to get pimples on your lip before your period?

It's normal to get pimples anywhere on your body before you get your period.

Can you get pregnant before your first postpartum period?

You can still get pregnant before you get your period after having a baby. Due to the pregnancy your normal ovulation time could be different. Though if you are breast feeding regularly your cycle may be altered and this can also lower the chances of becoming pregnant, due to certain hormones that breast feeding releases.

Could it possible to have irregular period light pinkish period before it was a heavy period.This light period has experienced for 4-5 months breast size increased. body weight increased by 3Kg?

Yes its normal. "Spotting".