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Yes a lot of blood rushed there after injury. A lymph gland is very close, I'd suggest that you might have an infection and the lymph gland is working overtime. You should probably see the doctor about it since you don't want an infection to get too deeply established.

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How are ankle sprains treated?

um ask a ankle docter not me i cud care less about your ankle

Is it normal to have temporary pain in the ankle area when you are 12?

No, try getting ankle support guards

Is it normal to have temporary pain in the ankle area when you are only 12?

No, try getting ankle support guards

How does a sprain Ankle happens?

Ankle sprains happen when the foot twists, rolls or turns beyond its normal motions. A great force is transmitted upon landing. You can sprain your ankle if the foot is planted unevenly on a surface, beyond the normal force of stepping. This causes the ligaments to stretch beyond their normal range in an abnormal position.

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Elbow, shoulder, ankle, and finger joints are more likely to be treated with joint resection or interpositional reconstruction.

What is the best ankle brace to where with normal shoes?

Airsport by Aircast is a good brace to wear for ankle injuries. It is slightly bulky but will fit inside most running shoes, and is very supportive of the ankle.

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Did Jackie Robinson ever get treated unfairly because of his background?

he did have a injured ankle in college

Where can I get information on ankle injuries caused by running?

Well there are hip and thigh, foot, leg and knee injuries that are common to runners. If your injured in your ankle, it could either be an ankle strain injury or Achilles tendonitis, when the tendon at the back of the ankle is in pain. For any of these injuries, immediate help is needed. The sooner they're treated the quicker the recovery.

What does it mean when you have only one swollen ankle and it feels like there is extra tissue there?

That feeling is probably just excess fluid from a mild sprain. Press down the tissue of the swollen ankle with your finger, then do it to your other ankle. If the swollen ankle rebounds slower then the normal ankle, it's just a sprain. Elevate and ice it. If not, seek medical advice.

How can an ankle sprain be treated effectively?

Keep weight off of the ankle, keep it elevated when resting, alternate heat and cold to reduce swelling, apply a supportive wrap when walking is required, and do gentle stretches (as long as they don't cause any pain) to keep the ankle from getting stiff.

Is your ankle blue?

It really depends on what you have been doing with your ankle, I can tell you for a matter of fact that my ankle is green. I would assume that is normal to most people also because I don't think blue ankles are normal. Green ankles have also been proven as the ankles of royals. Although I have heard that the queen has blue ankles. Thankyou, Troll