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Yes it is possible. It would be swollen and be have some bruising.

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Q: Is it normal for my dogs testicles to be black and red after being neutered yesterday?
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What if your dog has one ball after being neutered is that normal?

If it really is one of the testicles, then it isn't normal. that would be a failed neutering. The dog would still have all the urges of an intact dog, and still be able to father puppies.

Is it normal for a dog to look like he still has testicles after being neutered?

The proper term for what you're seeing is the bulbus glandis. They appear when excited..they are very important for breeding and helping to tie with the female, but they are not the testicles and remain after neutering. Your dog was properly neutered (although if you don't trust the vet you should change anyway). No worries they should be there and are perfectly normal

What is an Intact male cat?

An un-castrated or un-neutered male cat is known as being intact. In other words, they still have their testicles which enable them to breed female cats.

Do cats still have their testicles after being neutered?

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I think there are two different kinds of neutering: one where the cat keeps his testicles, and one where he doesn't. The male cat that I had when I was growing up still had his testicles, even though he was neutered. That cat died, and four years ago, when I graduated college and settled into my own apartment, I got two cats from a shelter: an adult male, and a female kitten. The adult male had already been neutered by the time I got him. And he does not have his testicles. I was not involved with the neutering of either of those male cats: the one I have now was already neutered when I got him, and my parents took care of the neutering of the other one, since I was a kid. So, I know there are two different kinds of neutering procedures, but I don't know much more than that, unfortunately.

How much does neutering a rat cost?

it depends what vets you go to and what animal is being neutered.

What is the difference between being spayed and neutered?

Females are spayed Males are neutered

Should female cats have a lump around their incision after being neutered?

It is recommended to have your vet to take a look at it. It is not normal for a lump to be near the incision site.

How much does a typical CAT vasectomy cost My wife and I have Three kittens-2 females and one male. I want them to live normal lives wout being neutered or spayed.Do any health probs come w vasec?

"...I want them to live normal lives wout being neutered or spayed..." - What do you think a vasectomy is ! A vasectomy involves either cutting and tying of the tubes leading from the testes or complete removal of the testes themselves - either way your cat will have been neutered !

Does the male cat lose his penis when he is neutered?

No, they just remove the testicles. It is painless, as the cat are in an altered state when the procedure is being done. Please spade and neuter your pets unless you hope to keep it intact for breeding purposes.

How do you tell if your male cat has been neutered?

A neutered male will no longer have testicles. Bear in mind if your cat has just been neutered the testicles still may be visible. It takes around 6 weeks for the hormones to calm down, so the testicles will shrink over this period. A male cat has a larger gap between the anus and penis, whereas a female cat's vulva is situated closer to the anus.

Can a male cat spray after being neutered?

technically they still can. however, after he has been neutered his desire or urge to spray goes way down. Typically neutering will help to stop the spraying. However, a cat that has been neutered before reaching sexual maturity (around six months old), it is very unlikely the cat will ever start spraying.

Your testicles won't drop what should you do?

Testicles 'drop', at the latest, a few weeks after being born. If you cannot feel testicles in your scrotum, you should consult your doctor immediately.