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It is not unlikely that an error has been made in the day count. 21 days is normal but 22, 23 and even 24 days are possible. If as you say the eggs are moving then you have viable chicks and will soon be getting the brooder box ready. Make sure your auto turner is off and out of the incubator. Many people forget that the chicks will come out of the shell and need a place to move around and dry. Failure to remove the Auto turners have made a few accidents and injured chicks. The eggs can indeed move and roll as the chick searches for just the right spot to poke a hole through the shell, after that it is just a matter of hours.

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Q: Is it normal to be at day 22 and the chicken eggs are actually moving in the incubator but none have hatched yet?
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I assume you mean one that is in the egg still as it would be obvious if it were hatched and in the brooder box. When the chick is no longer moving in the shell and has not done so for several hours. If it has started to peep (break through the shell) it sometimes will take a rest but the beak will be visible. Picking the egg up and touching the beak will make it move if there is any life left in it.. You can also candle the egg and watch for any movement. As a breeder, I usually allow the eggs to sit in the incubator for an extra 12 hours after the last complete hatching chick has emerged. At this point the eggs are removed and disposed of. The incubator cleaned and disinfected waiting for the next batch.

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As long as the chickens can see it, they will be fine

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If it is out in the wild,if the egg is hatching,the egg will be moving and it will have cracks in it.

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What if the chick in the egg moves back and forth?

then the egg will most likely being moving back and forth as well, especially if the chick is almost ready to be hatched

What does the egg incubator do?

Get a box add a blanket and get a lamp it must stay at 95 To 101 degrees you also must turn the egg three times a day it takes 21to 23 days to hatch to check if an egg is fertilized put it up to a flashlight if you see a blob it is probably fertilized

What is the correct temperature for the incubator when hatching chicks?

101.5 in a still air incubator 99.5 in a forced air incubator Also important For the first 18 days the humidity should be 50%-60%ish and the eggs should be turned an odd number of times, at least three. For the last three days the humidity should be about 65%-70%, and the eggs should not be turned. Josie

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There not moving. One of your eyes is more dominant than the other so it appears to be moving when its really not

Can solar energy used for emu eggs incubator?

yes, solar energy can be used to make a emu eggs incubator. Last winter I experimented with 2 eggs. This year plan to hatch at least 1000 ( one thousand ) eggs in a large solar incubator, here in Gurgaon, India. During "no sun days" it would be heated by another eco friendly , non polluting way Even the egg moving would be done by solar electricity. Information would be available on my website to be launched shortly, my email

How do chickens naturally incubate eggs?

The broody hen gathers eggs for about a week before. She will take eggs from other hens to add to her own lay. Once she decides she has enough she will sit on the clutch of eggs continually for 21 days. She turns the eggs by moving them around twice to three times per day. She only leaves the clutch for food, water and defecation a few times daily and never for more than 10 minutes at one time. Once the chicks start to hatch she will remove old shells and remain on the nest for days protecting the newly hatched chicks.

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Well, technically yes. Everything in the universe is moving at some rate. Not to mention that the earth is moving, thus everything on Earth is moving with it. !