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no If you are dealing with a narcissist it may not be "normal" but lots of things are questionable in these relationships. I would say that it may be "typical", yes. You love them...but they are mean to you...but you want them to go, but you need them to stay...N's think the same, but for different reasons. They will toss you out and reel you back in until they decide they are through with you. YOU on the other hand may want to work things out and so you may endure all the break-ups. It is not healthy for you. Why subject yourself to all that stress? Deep down maybe you know this and are hesitant. Sooner or later you will have to make a decision. I hope you won't stay with a narcissist! You can do lots better, believe me! Breaking up multiple times with the same person is a strong message that you do not get along well enough for a long term relationship. One of the times you have broken up, choose to develop your life and interests instead of going back to him. Your feelings for him will fade. Many times, people think that feelings must be honored above all else. But, if he is abusive it is a deal breaker and you must stay away in order to live the life of your dreams.

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Q: Is it normal to break up with an abusive partner 150 times in a year and a half and still not feel ready to end the relationship?
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You should definitely break up with the abuser but you will need support, get someone who you love to wait outside the door while you break up and make sure the government is on your side because it is very important that the public knows and that you feel safe. Therefor, it is best to alert people and not keep this a secret so when you need support you know where to get it.

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I would say as quickly as possible before it gets out of hand!

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that depends. Break will either make it or break it. on a break, a person might re-consider the worth over effort in their relationship. if you're not worth the effort, then one can never look at the relationship, and break the illusion of love, and starts to get rational. tldr; do not go on a break hoping it'll make your relationship better. :D but sometimes it just works out if you love you partner and you know you can trust them it really can help!

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Usually abusive men are in love with the control they have over their partners. They will do various things to keep the abuse going which includes leaving their partner, holding back on affection, etc. They will do ANYTHING to keep that control. So no it's not a test to see if they can get you to call them, it's a way of keeping control over their partner to break them down emotionally. Everything that is done is intentional & the abuser will get upset when they are not getting the results they are wanting and the abuse will usually escalate from there. It's a cycle and the only person that can end it is the victim. When you're in an abusive relationship it is hard to break free but know that you are putting your life at risk by continuing to stay in this situation. Good luck & God Bless!

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These love quizzes are not reliable and are only intended for fun and not for you to base your relationship on. Think about just using them as a conversation starter and not as a reason to break up with your partner.

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How do you not get emotionally envolved with your partner?

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Anything can break up a relationship. What will break up a relationship depends on the two people involved.