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It can be normal for some women and you may get more regulated as you get older. You can talk to a doctor and they may put you on a pill to regulate your periods. You could just always have them every three weeks.

I get my period every three weeks. It is very normal and I am 27 years old. Periods can come every 21-35 days. People seem to think that a 28 day cycle is normal, but really it is average. The normal range is 21-35 days. So don't worry. In addition the thing that got me is I was counting wrong. You are supposed to count your cycle from the first day of your last period. So if you are going 21 days from the first day of your last period that is normal. It sucks...but it isn't bad. Hope that helps.

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8y ago
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11y ago

umm no da! no its not!

Not its not normal, each month your uterus clears its lining which is what comes off as bleeding and tissues known as menstrual period as you know, so every month your body automatically goes through these changes but if the tissues don't leave your body, it means it all accumulates which could cause a severe infection or even cancer. See a gynaecologists as soon as you can to be on safe side. Normally a doctor would perform a what is called a D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure or perhaps if its not too serious of a case, your doctor can give you a pill that can help clear the way for you monthly period.

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12y ago

If there is about 25-30 days between the two, it should be fine. It's not exactly "normal" but it isn't a sign of anything horrible happening in your body. I've known this to happen to one or two women I know, but it's rare. If it happens more than once, you may want to ask your doctor about it. If you have frequently irregular periods, some forms of Birth Control can help keep you regular.

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18y ago

No, that is not normal. You should see your doctor very soon as you may become anemic along with whatever is causing you to bleed so much.

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14y ago

No! See a doctor.

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Q: Is it normal to have 2 periods a month?
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you might think of consulting a doctor, because it is normal to have periods only once a month

Is it normal to have 3 periods a month?

No not at all. You are only supposed to have 1 a month

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If you're in the first 1-2 years of your period, it's normal. If not, call a doctor.

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Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

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Not at all! It's normal to have a longer heavier period but like 2-3 days longer. You need to go to your doctor ASAP!

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You probally just have eregular periods its ok.

Your daughter is 12 she started her periods is now bleeding for a month is this normal?

OK... wow! i would take her into a doc. this might not be normal.

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Yes skipping periods is perfectly normal. Some women don't have there period at all while on the pill.

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Sometimes hey have their periods interupted.