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Yes, some women do get extremely sore breast premenstrually.

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Q: Is it normal to have extremely sore breasts between ovulation and menstruation when you're not pregnant?
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Can a women get pregnant before week her period?

Typically no, a woman can't get pregnant a week before menstruation. Typically ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, at most there is only a viable egg present for 48 hours. It is possible for the luteal phase between ovulation and menstruation to be shorter, for example a week shorter and thus ovulating a week before menstruation, however such a short luteal phase wouldn't give the fertilized egg enough time to implant.

What part of the ovulation cycle is the best time to get pregnant?

Between 12-16 days after your period There is no DURING ovulation, it is a specific moment. The two or three days around ovulation is good time to try. The best way to work it out is to buy an ovulation test kit. You can buy them from supermarkets or the pharmacy. You pee on the sticks and it tells you when you are most fertile. It is then that it is a good time to try to get pregnant

Will you be pregnant after ovulation?

Not necessarily. There are several steps between ovulation and pregnancy, and any of them can fail.

How does the blood during menstruation?

after ovulation ,if the ovum is not fertilised , it ruptures and flows out in the form of blood .this process is called menstruation takes place between the 1st and 5th day of the menstrual cycle

What is a normal ovulation cycle?

A normal ovulation is when your LH phase is between 10-16 days long. This phase can not be counted from the 1st day of your period rather is is counted from you ovulation date to your period. This shows that the uterus has a healthy environment for immplantation. To determine when you ovulate you must temp or use OPK (Ovulation prediction kits)

How fast can one get pregnant after a d and c procedure?

The next time you ovulate (assuming a menstruation between them).

After 11 days of her periods could she become pregnant?

Yes, ovulation occurs half way between periods.

After menstruation between which day to how many day there is chance for pregnancy?

# Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse # Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation # For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.

What causes bloody vaginal discharge between periods?

There can be any number of reasons for spotting between menstruation, from hormonal imbalances or ovulation, through to vaginal damage from rough sex or STD's. If it is unusual for you and keeps occuring then talk to your doctor.

Can you only get pregnant on your period?

Ovulation occurs between periods. That is when pregnancy is most likely to occur, but you can get pregnant during menstruation. A gal can get pregnant: # before her period # during her period # after her period # PERIOD. It's that simple ... plain facts of life and supported by most of the medical community. The "Pill" only helps to prevent pregnancy - it is not the cure. Total abstaining from sex or having a hysterectomy operation are the ONLY two 100% guaranteed methods of preventing pregnancy ... PERIOD.

Is it more or less likely to get pregnant while on your period?

Less likely, but still possible. A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - this helps keep the sperm alive for up to 7 days and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening. During an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile between days 7-16 (ovulation on day 14, there can be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours) - by the time a woman menstruates the egg from the last cycle is long dead, and she cannot ovulate during menstruation. However if a woman's menstrual cycle is short she may ovulate soon after menstruation, thus if she was to have sex during her period sperm could survive up to 7 days, by which time she may have ovulated and thus she may get pregnant.

What is the medical condition premenstrual syndrome?

Breast tenderness, back pain, abdominal cramps, headache, appetite changes, anxiety, depression that occur between ovulation and menstruation, related to hormones and emotional disorders.