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Yes, that's perfectly normal. Some people get spotting and some don't. It just depends on the woman. Everybody's pregnancy is different.

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Q: Is it normal to have no spotting within the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?
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Is spotting after straining on the toilet normal in the first trimester?

No, spotting after straining on the toilet is not normal in the first trimester. Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not considered to be normal. While it could be implantation bleeding, it would be wise to get examined by your doctor or obstetrician.

Can you bleed the first couple of weeks of pregnancy?

I did off and on with my 3rd pregnancy (spotting mostly). It is not normal to have heavy bleeding though. You may see some spotting, but I would contact my OBGYN immediatly. Better to be safe!!

Is b it normal to spot at the begging of pregnancy?

Yes. Spotting is a bloody vaginal discharge or light bleeding down under. Spotting during pregnancy is nothing to be worried about. It is especially common during the first trimester.Congrats!

What does spotting have to do with pregnancy?

threw your first stage of pregnancy u can spot

If you think youre pregnant is it normal for you to be spotting blood the first three weeks?

Spotting fresh blood during early pregnancy does occur and can be harmless but bleeding for 3 weeks is something that needs investigating by your doctor.

What is the color of the spotting?

i hope this answers your can be light pink or brown, if it is red in anyway tell your doctor immediately!!! spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common. im 7 weeks and i have been spotting the past 2 days and the doctor told me that it was normal.

What does that little spotting in the first two weeks of my pregnancy?

Yes, one can get some amount of spotting in the initial months of pregnancy but it is not a period. However if it continues you must show it to the doctor.

Is painful spotting normal in pregnancy?

I was almost 2 months pregnant and had cramps the whole time, i asked my doctor and all my friends who have been pregnant if it was normal to experience cramping and they all said yes. I started spotting and had my first miscarriage. I would go make sure everything is okay.

How long can should brown spotting last in early pregnancy?

There is no definite answer for that, spotting during pregnancy is normal but the period it takes varies with individuals. Some women have it upto 8 weeks in their first trimester and others have bleeding on and off till just around their due date. Better yet, always consult your Gyna to be on the safe side. Answer It is very rare. Have you taken a pregnancy test?

Can spotting early in pregnancy be a sign of twins?

Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

Is brown spotting after sex whilst in the first trimester of pregnancy normal?

Yes! Light pink or brown spotting after sex is normal. During pregnancy, the cervix becomes more filled with blood. Sex can irritate the cervix and cause some bleeding. Of course, if you are worried or have any other questions call your doctor. Heavy bleeding, bleeding with pain or cramping, or bleeding that doesn't stop can mean something is seriously wrong. Call your doctor or go to the emergency room if this happens.

How much bleeding is normal after having laparscopic surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. I had slight spotting at first but now it seems like a period?

No one here can give you the best answer for that. You should call your doctor!