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Eastern Orthodox Christians are permitted with special permission to receive the Eucharist from a Catholic Church on certain occasions and other non-Catholic Christians may be able to receive if they are in danger of death, express a belief in the Eucharist, and ask for it on their own initiative.

The reason for this is that only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church believe in the Eucharist in the proper sense, and furthermore, the Eucharist is a sacrament of unity within the Church, and it would be wrong for those who do not share fully in the unity of the Catholic Church to receive it.

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Q: Is it not right for a non Catholic christian to take communion at catolic mass?
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*If you are not a Catholic, you cannot be married by a Catholic priest or in a Catholic church. * You need to check that answer above because i don't think you are right. Non Catholics can get married in the Catholic Church. One partner has to be a Catholic and the other should be a baptised Christian but ideally the couple should contact their local priest.

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Yes. All worshippers are free to attend services in any church. Updated response - Although it may be an acceptable truth that all worshipers are free to attend services in any church, the obligation for a Catholic is different. Each Catholic shares an obligation to attend Catholic mass on Sunday - The Mass within the Catholic community is the catalyst to receiving Holy Communion, which to a Catholic is a Holy Sacrament. Mass or service at any other Church for any other denomination, though spiritual and holy in its own right, does not allow a Catholic participation in the Consecration of the Holy Eucharist or therefore Holy Communion. Although there is nothing ecumenically wrong for a Catholic to attend a non-Catholic mass, liturgically this obligation to attend mass would not be fulfilled.

Can you receive communion if you marry a non-Catholic in a non-Catholic church?

.Catholic AnswerYou need to speak to your regular confessor about this as I'm not sure what all the circumstances are, or, for that matter if you are referring to receiving Holy Communion in Church after you married outside of the Church or if you are referring to receiving "communion" in a non-Catholic "church" while engaging in a "marriage" ceremony. To the first, if you have gotten married to a non-Catholic without any kind of preparation or permission from your Bishop, you have excommunicated yourself, and may not receive Holy Communion until you have rectified the situation and made a good Confession. In the second situation, if you have received permission to marry in a non-Catholic Church, you may certainly NOT participate in any "communion service" which they might hold. If you haven't received any permissions, and are doing all of these things, you're in "a heap of trouble" as one of my old confessors used to say, you need to speak to a priest asap and start to get things straightened out. We are talking about your immortal soul here, so pick up that telephone and make an appointment to speak with a priest right now.

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I say Bible believing Christians are right. Catholics put the traditions of "the Church" before the Bible. Catholics believe Jesus' death made it possible for people to get to heaven by good works - this is not what the Bible says.

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No. Other Christian denominations have Confirmation too. However, in Orthodoxy, it is done right after the baby is baptized, & in most Protestant denominations(with the possible exception of the Anglican Church), it is not counted as a Sacrament.

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The Catholic church is exclusive in that it practices closed communion. This means that only those baptized into and thus confessing the Catholic faith are entitled to practice communion during a Catholic service, the eating and drinking of Christ's body and blood. So yes, the Priest was correct. Being a protestant, I imagine you are used to a more inclusive practice but there are a few denominations that do exclude certain christians. It's a practice that is much-debated within the Church, and not one you should take personally. Any non-Catholic would have been turned away. I say this being unable to ask for a clarification - I assume by "leave my nieces communion" you mean you were unable to partake in the wafer and wine. Not that the Priest asked you to leave the service itself. If that was the case, something wonky is going on and I would need more information to better help you.