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In an emergency, this will work. However, it isn't a great bedding overall. It will turn mushy where the piggie pees, and then won't dry very well. It will be pretty high maintenance to keep things sanitary.

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Yes. An ordinary brown or white paper bag will cause no problems.

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Q: Is it OK to use shredded brown paper bags as guinea pig bedding?
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Can you use a paper shredder for guinea pig bedding?

i use paper shredded with shavings for my piggies they love it

What are some other alternatives for guinea pig bedding less expensive and safe?

towels and shredded paper

Can hamsters die from fiber bedding?

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What should i use for guinea pig bedding?

Good options for guinea pig bedding include paper-based bedding, aspen shavings, or fleece liners. Avoid cedar or pine shavings as they can be harmful to guinea pigs' respiratory systems. Make sure to provide enough bedding for burrowing and nesting.

What is the saftest bedding for guinea pigs?

some safe bedding can be expensive but you can also make your own! in my opinion, the safest bedding is paper or a soft, cuddly blanket; depending which do your guinea pig like (: !

Is inkjet printed paper shredded unsafe for bird bedding?

Yes it is unsafe, the ink contains harmful products that could damage your birds health. Plain shredded paper is the best to use!

What can you use for bedding?

shredded news paper, pellets, shavings, artificial dirt, shredded toilet paper, or just go to your local pet store and look in the hamster section or ask an enployee for help!

What tipe of bedding should you use for a baby bird?

Use shredded toilet paper. i am not sure about hamster bedding. also if you can, find dry leaves and use these

Why is there dark brown waterery stains on the shredded paper in the guinea pig cage?

you guinea pig most likely has diarrhea which is a dangerous condition for them. this website should have all the information you need. please seek promt treatment.

Could you reuse paper at home for gerbil bedding?

It probably isn't such a good idea to use shredded paper for bedding. Depending on where you get the paper, like recycled or newspaper, the ink may be harmful. Also, regular paper wouldn't be as absorbant as bedding and unless you plan on changing the paper everyday it would be dangerous to the gerbil's health to live in its own waste.

What is the best bedding for a guinea pig that doesnt cause respiratory problems?

Kiln-dried pine or aspen shavings, fleece, or a paper-based bedding such as Carefresh.