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Probably , so long as it doens't have a 'filled' fondant centre, such as caramel or peppermint.

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Q: Is it ok to eat chocolate that expired in December 2010?
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Is it dangerous to eat the worms on a expired chocolate?

Dangerous? Probably not. Gross - definitely yes!

What will happen if you eat bad chocolate?

Expired chocolate will not give you the same type of illness of eating cheese with mold, yet eating expired chocolate can lead to stomach aches.

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Cubs can die if they eat chocolate

Is it safe to eat expired crab cakes?

No, hence the word expired. It is unsafe to eat anything expired. Dispose of anything expired.

What bad effects are in expired chocolate?

im not sure but it well proababyl be the usaul stomache ache or nothing at all but honestly why would u eat expired choclate? Its not healthy in general be careful next time

Is expired caned ham good to eat?

NO, wth? its expired

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What chocolates can't you eat if you are a vegetarian?

The chocolate that you can eat is black chocolate. Vegans don't eat milk chocolate.

Are expired butterscotch chips safe to eat?

I just ate some butterscotch chips that say they expired June 2010 and it's now may 29th and I didnt feel sick at all from it. I would say its rather safe.

When can you eat the chocolate?

You can eat chocolate any time, in all actuality.

Why do Americans eat chocolate?

Americans eat chocolate like a mint or for their craving of sweets. They also eat it because they feel for a treat. Chocolate is an origanal one! Americans eat chocolate like a mint or for their craving of sweets. They also eat it because they feel for a treat. Chocolate is an origanal one! Americans eat chocolate like a mint or for their craving of sweets. They also eat it because they feel for a treat. Chocolate is an origanal one! Americans eat chocolate like a mint or for their craving of sweets. They also eat it because they feel for a treat. Chocolate is an origanal one!

Do Irish people eat chocolate?

If you know Irish supermarkets sell chocolate, then yes, they do eat chocolate.