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Q: Is it ok to eat dark chocolate while trying to lose weight?
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Do you put weight on more with white chocolate than what you do with milk and dark chocolate?

Yes you do put weight on more with white chocolate than what you do with milk and dark chocolate.

Why is chocolate man so dark?

because his mom dipped him in chocolate when trying to eat him

What is the difference between dark chocolate and milk chocolate candy?

Clearly, a dark chocolate candy is made with dark chocolate while a milk chocolate candy is made milk chocolate. Dark chocolate candy provides a more filling to the consumer and also provides key nutrients, while reducing the craving for chocolate all-together. Milk chocolate adds a more creamier texture to the candy and is not as strong on flavor as dark chocolate.

How does chocolate effect on your weight?

Chocolate is high in fat and sugar, and should be limited to small quantities, occasionally, preferably of dark chocolate, or weight gain is more likely.

Why is dark chocolate bitter than milk chocolate?

hun its better not bitter ok :) just trying to help

Does dark chocolate fudge brownies taste bad?

If you are accustomed to rhings made with milk chocolate or white chocolate, you might take a while to get used to the dark chocolate kind. Once you do get used to it, you might like the dark better.

When im trying to lose weight should you eat a pickle or some dark chocolate?

When trying to lose weight its probably advised to stay away from eating chocolate early in the day because then your body will crave it. I dieted and lost a stone in 3months, i stuck to eating salads and baked potatoes, salmon is a fat burner along with spinich. Hope this helps :)

Does eating dark chocolate help burn calories faster?

Most expert believe that eating dark chocolate is beneficial in ones good health as it provides many nuritents and vitamins not present in regular chocolate. However while they claim it can help you lose weight faster the FDA has not been able to substantiate this claim.

What percentage of dark chocolate is in Hershey's dark chocolate?

Per Wikipedia, Hershey's Extra Dark contains 65% cocoa solids while Hershey's Special Dark contains 35% cocoa solids.

Is dark chocolate fattening?

It is a bit unhealthy for you but healteaist chocolate. It is not fattening; only milk chocolate & white choclate

What is the difference between milk and dark chocolate?

Hi, let me start by explaining to you that milk chocolate is sweeter and dark chocolate is a bit richer. You may have hot chocolate for a drink, am I right? Well proper hot chocolate is made out of cocoa beans which are used to make hot chocolate. The difference between milk chocolate and dark chocolate is that dark chocolate is richer than milk chocolate. Hope this helped you!

Can chocolate make you skinny?

Chocolate does not have a slimming effect, unfortunately. Dark chocolate, though, has a surplus amount of antioxidants, a relaxing effect, lowering blood pressure, and cholesterol. This does not mean that making dark chocolate part of your agenda is a good idea, it is simply saying that when having occasional treats, it's a healthy idea to make it dark!