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Young boys who see their moms naked get confused about this all the time. It is not good for a boy to see his mothers naked body ever. The time will come when you will reach puberty, and because your mom is a female you might get turned on. You are a male, and she is a female. The brain can't tell the difference between a naked mom, or sister, and a naked girlfriend. It just sees the naked body and reacts. You are at an age that you should no longer go around your mom, or any other female relative naked.

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3y ago
she seems to lile looking at your body lol
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14y ago

A. No it is not! incestuous thoughts are something you need to remove from your mind. Get out and about and meet people your own age then get a girlfriend, this should clear your mind from your mother.

A. If you're a guy, Freud would say it's expected. But who cares what Freud thinks anyway?

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Q: Is it ok to have sexual fantasies about your mother?
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It can be awkward having sexual fantasies. It is because you both are best friends and not a couple yet.

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Once you start Puberty you will begin to have sexual urges and fantasies. This is normal behaviour.

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You need to stop trying to get your mother involved in your sexual fantasies. It is not a normal relationship between mother and son and is quite disturbing. Go out and date and get a girlfriend and stop asking the same questions over and over.

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No. He is just using her to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

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Lonely. Xenophilic, perhaps.

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