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Q: Is it ok to mix Valium and Klonopin hours apart?
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Related questions

What is diazipan?

I think you mean diazepam, which is Valium. It is a benzodiazepine, like Xanax, and Klonopin. It is used to help people with sleep problems, anxiety, etc. Do not mix with alcohol. You can die.

What can happen if you mix 30 milligrams of xanax 6 milligrams of Valium 5 somas and 1 milligram of Klonopin?

If you want to consume illicit drugs - do your ownexperiment - We will not be guinea-pigs for your addiction !

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Can i take Oxycodone advil cold and sinus Valium and Klonopin?

No. Narcotics (oxycodone) benzodiazepines and barbiturates are sedating where as Advil cold will have hardly any effect. Do not mix so many sedative drugs unless prescribed by your physician to do so

Is it safe to mix Klonopin with Valium?

Same family of medicine, both Benzodiazepines. Only issue would be knowing the potency or what mg of each medicine it would equal. Example: To you, would 2mgs of Klonopin and 2mgs of Valium equal 4mgs of Klonopin/Valium? Is that to much? It's better to use lower doses of one medicine when not properly knowing how your body reacts.

How long should you wait to drink after taking Klonopin?

Ooh, at least 12 hours. Better yet, 24. In conjunction, Klonopin and alcohol can cause liver damage. Much the same way Tylenol and alcohol don't mix.

Can you mix ultram and Paxil and estridiol and Darvocet and Klonopin?

No, you should never mix Ultram, Paxil, Estridiol, Darvocet, and Klonopin together. You will need to consult with your doctor as to what medicines can be taken.

Can you mix Valium and tizanidine?

yes, they gave me both,

Is it ok to mix Valium and tizanidine?

Valium and tizanidine potentiate (enhance) eachother, but to my knowledge there is no other harmful interaction

Can you mix Valium and ropinirole?

I have checked with a pharmacist friend, he said it is ok to take ativan (lorazepam) and requip (ropinirole) together.

Is suboxone and Klonopin a safe mix?

Mixing Suboxone and Klonopin is not safe, and doing so can produce respiratory distress, coma, or even death.