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I don't think it matters. However, some people can get an upset stomach and have better luck taking them before bed. Sometimes, even when taken with food in the morning, they can still cause stomach discomfort.

Good LucK! Have a beautiful and healthy baby!

-- Some vitamins have been shown to have an energizing quality. For example, the vitamin B family plays a role in helping many biochemical reactions which speed up metabolism and increase circulation. This concept has been extended to use in "5 hour energy shots". However these don't wire you like caffinated drinks do, if anything they just facilitate metabolism in your body, so they shouldn't really affect how late you stay up.

Many vitamins are also used in biosynthesis (anabolic functions) and function in regeneration of tissues. Thus if you are weight lifter and experience a lot of muscle soarness, it may be most beneficial to take vitamins in the evening. If you're tired on your 9-5 however, a multivitamin during the day might be the most useful.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Aspirin was designed to be taken anytime that you have a problem relieved by it, unless it specifically states that it is an AM or PM aspirin on the label. Just one thing:

Baby aspirin is supposed to be for babies.

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13y ago

Depends what its for.

If its for cardioprotection, morning would be best. Exertion and stress occur during the day- consequently cardiac stress is higher, and the thinning and anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin would be most beneficial during the day.

If it is for Arthritis- taken day or night, should not matter. However if you are only taking one dose per day- this is probably not enough for OA or pain.

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12y ago

It depends what you are taking it for.

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Q: Is it ok to take a baby aspirin morning and one at night?
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81mg baby aspirin T PO QD means to take one 81mg tablet of baby aspirin by mouth every day.

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