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Aspirin and Tylenol are unrelated. You can take the full recommended dose of Tylenol (acetominophen) if you are taking a baby aspirin.

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Q: What strength of Tylenol can you take with baby aspirin?
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If you take a dose of Tylenol and a dose of regular aspirin together, you would be overdosing, which could lead to death, but why would you do that when you could just take Tylenol brand aspirin, instead of a different type of Tylenol and an aspirin.

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Please indicate if one can take Tylenol while on lovenox

Baby aspirin and pregnancy?

Nope! But it wont be healthy for the fetus. If you absolutely have to take something you should talk to your doctor. Tylenol is usually the thing you are allowed to take.

What can you take for pain when you can't take aspirin due to hepatitis B years ago?

You can try Tylenol (NON ASPIRIN).

What can you take for a headache pregnant?

Paracetamol (plain Tylenol) is very effective and completely safe in pregnancy. Tried and tested the world over.

Does percocet have Tylenol in it?

check it... if you ask for baby perqs, and can get percocet in the 10mg to 15mg range, you are getting perqs without aspirin

Is aspirin harmful to pregnant women?

No. Nor is other pain killers, but you can take tylenol. You should only take aspirin under the doctor's advice. Aspirin is an anti coagulant thus it is dangerous when you are pregnant. If you have Hugh's syndrome or forms of Lupus doctors may prescribe it for you until the 35th week. If you have a chronic condition with the coagulation of the blood, you might even be prescribed heparin. However, you should always seek doctor's advice before taking any type of medication during and not during pregnancy. Stay away from aspirin. When baby comes, keep baby away from aspirin because of Rye's Syndrome. The best thing to do is to always ask a doctor.

Can you take Tylenol cold multi-symptom medicine two hours after taking aspirin?

There should be no problem taking these to medications in close temporal proximity, as there is no significant interactions between aspirin and tylenol.

Can dogs take Lortab?

No, Lorcet in addition to hydrocodone has Tylenol as another component. Tylenol should never be given to dogs because of the risk of liver toxicity. Aspirin is the only drug to be safely given. It is based on the dog's weight. If the dog is small<8lbs- then 1/2 of a baby aspirin. If it is large (approx 60lbs) then 1 adult aspirin or 4 baby aspirin. Check with your vet first

Can you take Tylenol extra strength with Reactine?
