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Q: Is it ok to take acne antibiotics without doctor prescription?
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What antibiotics work best for acne?

See if you can get your hands on some isotretinoins, e.g. Accutane or Roaccutane, depending on where in the world you are. However, you'll have to have a dermatologist's prescription.

What is the best way to stop acne from face any food medication or something?

The best way to stop acne from appearing on your face is with a prescription medication. Your doctor will have to prescribe you the medication, which is available in both cream and pill form. There is not food that you can use on acne to stop it.

What can one do about acne cysts on their skin?

Acne Cysts are usually difficult to treat with normal acne or other spot treatments. They can be treated by taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Alternatively, the sufferer could use glycolic acid peel which causes the skin to blister and then peel off, removing the acne cyst.

Is they a cure for acne?

No, most people with severe acne get prescription medications, but the real solution to acne is about what you eat and physical activity.

Are there any medicine and supplements for acne available withut prescription?

Yes, you could try milk thistle. It works well for moderate acne. Also going to a dermatologist would be your safest bet. Even mild acne is still a medical condition and needs to be checked by a doctor.

What are some ways of getting rid of bacne?

Wash regularly and use acne wash on affected areas. Try to shower at least twice a day and you may want to consult a doctor who can prescribe a higher prescription of acne medication.

Does tetracycline have analgesic properties?

TETRACYCLINE is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections; and in many cases, the doctor may prescribe Tetracycline for people with problem acne. Tetracycline does NOT have any analgesic (pain killer) properties. An important thing to remember about antibiotics is to finish the ENTIRE prescription, even if you feel better. Ideally, no one should have leftover antibiotics in their medicine cabinet. If you have "some leftover", flush them. Intermitent taking of antibiotics is VERY damaging to your immune system over time.

What are the best creams for dealing with wrinkles?

Unfortunately, some of the options for acne are unavailable without prescriptions from your physician. As a physician myself, I would recommend you visit yours to provide you with a prescription for the exact medication you need for your acne.

What should you do about your acne?

There are many treatments and regeims for treating acne. Some have been proven quite effective for most acne sufferers, while others have not. The first logical step is to see a doctor and discuss some prescription treatments. It will not hurt to educate yourself a little about acne. Reading books, and online resources will give you a better understanding of how and why acne occurs, and what steps can be taken to prevent it.

Where can you buy acne serum from?

You can buy acne serum from many places. Pharmacies are known for selling verified and tested Acne Serums, and you can also go to a doctor and receive a prescription for acne serums, which will allow access to the stronger serums. Acne Serums can also be purchased from Drug Stores such as SuperDrug and Boots.

What acne treatments don't work?

Acne products with chemicals and antibiotics won't work for acne. Think about it - acne can not be treated in two - three weeks. The antibiotics can only be used no longer than 2 -3 weeks therefore use natural acne products and always read the ingredients list. Read here -

Which Prescription acne medications?

I use clenziderm m.d. and it works very well. It is expensive for acne medication, but it is worth the money. Hello, You can get Retin A with out prescription. I got it online pharmacy with